problems with S4mk3

Dear all

My limited edition S4mk3 has problems with its output.

All inputs show signal (LEDs etc) .. the master display (LEDs) is showing signal .. but nothing comes out.

I have both Pro 3 and 4 .. have used both MAC and PC versions .. nothing works!

Its currently with an electronic engineer who believes he has found the route cause but needs a copy of the circuit diagram to confirm what should and should not be there.

Can I get a copy of this please?

Many Thanks


Best Answer


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Is it just the main outs that have no signal or do you have the same problem with booth and headphone cue?

    Obvious question, and I'm sure you've checked this a million times, but is the master volume turned up? I'm pretty sure that's a hardwired level control and it's not controlled by software.

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    I seriously doubt you’re going to get the schematics. But if you’re getting LEDs are lit. Are you also showing a level? Might be a silly question. However I concur with my Kejb. Check all you pot levels. That’s first. After that. Check the cables. After that. Software. If you have an engineer looking at the S4.

    “This is my own opinion “. He/she either shouldn’t need the schemes. Again. My opinion. Check all that. Then if it’s still not working. Let me know!!! The Bear is INTRIGUED!!!!!

  • ShaunyP
    ShaunyP Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hi .. I have checked all the leads, all the pots, have tried on both a macbook and PC.. have tried with both mixpro3 and 4 on both machines .. have reset to admin login (and repeated all of the above) .. I have sent video of symptoms .. really getting frustrated now.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Do the booth/headphone cue outs work ?

  • ShaunyP
    ShaunyP Member Posts: 9 Member

    Yes they do .. when there is signal

  • ShaunyP
    ShaunyP Member Posts: 9 Member

    Anyone have a solution?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Hard to say really, if the booth outs work you can use those instead of the main outputs. Doesn't fix the main outs, but at least it's usable. If you're certain the master volume is right up, the outputs are correctly configured in preferences and there's still no out from the main outs you'll probably have to RMA it.

  • ShaunyP
    ShaunyP Member Posts: 9 Member

    Apologies .. there is no sound from either main or booth outputs .. I misunderstood your previous message.

    There is sometimes .. but not always .. sound through "cue"

    The information I have been given is that there was some "dirt" on the board .. which has been cleaned .. but one of the chips looks "fried" but we cannot see what the model is to replace .. hence wanting the schematics

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    Answer ✓

    I have been on this forum for over a decade. And never seen any links to any controller schematics. I have seen some YouTube fixes for various problems and controllers broken down. But. No support articles or links to exact circuit boards or even parts inside.

    Your best bet is to try and contact support outside of this forum.

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    If you’re using an external interface. Might want to just sell it. lol. I have been fighting mine for days. NOTE: Solution. Just use the S4 main outputs. Without using the external interface. The S4 itself is a sound card. Now I’m trying to figure out how to correctly rout my Maschine MK3 Through the S4 and get sound. In therapy. It shoe become one of the 4 channels on the S4. But. Still fighting the correct mapping.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    If you have a chip that looks fried it's possible that at some point the XLR out has been connected to a system that supplies phantom power. If that's the case and it's zapped things then you're almost certainly going to need a repair or use an external interface if you want to keep the limited edition unit. I'd suggest talking to NI support just in case they can replace the board. Product support is here -

  • The Bear -1
    The Bear -1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    I was using a Kontrol 6. However. I was getting great audio from the Maschine MK3 And the Traktor s4. But no booth/monitor channel. It’s so weird. I know they all talk to each other!!! Why can’t I or better yet why is the monitor/booth not available while using the interface?!?!? I have a Korg mini Korg 2 coming as well. So I believe I’m gonna need my interface.

  • ShaunyP
    ShaunyP Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thankyou Everyone 😀

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