Can I Sell Komplete 7+11 and still use K12 upgrade ?

L.A.Taylor Member Posts: 15 Member
edited January 23 in Social Club

Hi There i have an old version of komplete 7 on dvds which i want to sell , i upgraded to complete 11 using this komplete 7 as a way to get the upgrade at a discounted price and have upgraded over the years upto komplete 12 using this feature of discounted upgrdes etc would i have to sell complete 11 along with 7 , and or would 11 no longer be valid if i sell 7 by its self , and or would i loose access to all the bonus versions ie i would no longer have access to 12 once i sell 7, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,521 mod
    edited January 23 Answer ✓

    It all works like a skyscraper , if you use something as a foundation for an upgrade then you can not remove that which you have used build on. So if you have a number of upgrades that all builds on upgrade after upgrade of the same original product then if you remove something previous in the row of upgrades then that which you bought after of upgrades are not valid anymore. Only if one of the products that you bought is a full version then the products after that is OK. But rows of upgrades all builds on the original foundation , so you have to transfer it all or at least get another valid full product foundation to put in between.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,521 mod
    edited January 23 Answer ✓

    It all works like a skyscraper , if you use something as a foundation for an upgrade then you can not remove that which you have used build on. So if you have a number of upgrades that all builds on upgrade after upgrade of the same original product then if you remove something previous in the row of upgrades then that which you bought after of upgrades are not valid anymore. Only if one of the products that you bought is a full version then the products after that is OK. But rows of upgrades all builds on the original foundation , so you have to transfer it all or at least get another valid full product foundation to put in between.

  • L.A.Taylor
    L.A.Taylor Member Posts: 15 Member

    Many Thanks , Thanks for clearing that up.Much appreciated 👍🏻

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