Setup Loop Range from the hardware

coroneddu Member Posts: 22 Member


is it possible?

Say I'm working on a clip, is selected, and would love to set the loop range to its length from the hardware.


Best Answer

  • coroneddu
    coroneddu Member Posts: 22 Member
    Answer ✓

    Maschine Mk3.

    I've found a way how to set the loop range by

    • press SHIFT + Loop
    • set range using the encoder

    but it's kinda a little cumbersome (also because there's a little lag before the screens switch to the Arranger view again) so it kinda breaks the flow

    I'd love to able to set the loop range to an already selected clip or find a more efficient way.

    Still searching myself tho', if something pops out I'll post it here in case someone needs it


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,111 mod

    Which hardware do you have?

  • coroneddu
    coroneddu Member Posts: 22 Member
    Answer ✓

    Maschine Mk3.

    I've found a way how to set the loop range by

    • press SHIFT + Loop
    • set range using the encoder

    but it's kinda a little cumbersome (also because there's a little lag before the screens switch to the Arranger view again) so it kinda breaks the flow

    I'd love to able to set the loop range to an already selected clip or find a more efficient way.

    Still searching myself tho', if something pops out I'll post it here in case someone needs it

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