Komplete KONTROL not working in ProTools

KAS OZ Member Posts: 9 Member
edited January 28 in Komplete Kontrol

I purchased s88 series 3 last week, but can not get it to work correctly in ProTools.

I can open komplete kontrol & kontakt in standalone mode and select instruments and make sound. When I open ProTools, I can open multiple instances of both applications and make sound, but the kontrol keyboard will only communicate with the currently open application. There is no way to go back to a previous track. Additionally the transport buttons do not work or light up (four of them play sounds instead!). I am unable to access any track controls (e.g. track volumes/pan) from the kontrol keyboard.

I followed installation instructions, but the MIDI controller keyboard field did not “auto-populate” as described in the video. Initially nothing worked. I have been juggling MIDI options since to get to where I am now (with some of the Kontrol keyboard functions working) and have no idea where to go from here.

I’ve been using PT for PT for 25 years and have patiently saved for Kontrol s88. I know there will be a solution, but my online hunt has been unsuccessful so far.

A support ticket was raised 5 days ago…no response yet. Help greatly appreciated.

2019 MacBook Pro i9 2.4GHz 8-core 64GB RAM, Ventura 13.6.4

ProTools v2024.10.1. Current Native access.

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    And for both of you, @zachduenow @KAS OZ If these steps were not enough, please try the following:

    Please write down any needed user setting of yours  in Pro Tools, make a copy of that file before hand, then delete it:

    Macintosh HD/Users/user name/Library/Preferences/Avid/Pro Tools/Pro Tools Prefs

    Note: the User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on Go in the menu bar and press down the Alt key. You'll now find the Library entry in the menu:



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,969 mod

    Is the keyboard set to Midi 1 ?

    Have you done all the Mac users must do when using N.I. software ? :

    ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access. : How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS and disks must be of correct format : Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

    Also then please check that iCloud Private Relay has been turned off : Native Access Error Message: "Download failed" (macOS)

    Also then do not use Clean My Mac.

    And quote Kymeia : if using Sequoia then N.I. apps must be added to the Local Network

  • KAS OZ
    KAS OZ Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 22

    Hi Poorfellow,

    Thanks for your suggestions. I'd already checked all of these.

    Keyboard set to MIDI 2 (Correction - just checked; I did have it set on MIDI 1.0) All NI apps have full disk access; iCloud relay is off; I do not use clean my Mac; I am on Ventura.

    Kontrol s88 still "not recognised" error message comes up on ProTools.

    Komplete Kontrol & Kontakt play sounds and can navigate libraries. That is all.



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    You should set it to MIDI 1

  • KAS OZ
    KAS OZ Member Posts: 9 Member

    A bit overwhelmed with my efforts at trying to make this keyboard work. Yes, the keyboard is set on MIDI 1.0

    I'd forgotten.

    Now what?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,969 mod

    @Jeremy_NI , do you have any advice to share here ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @KAS OZ One very important step when changing from MIDI 2.0 to MIDI 1.0 is to delete the device in the Audio & MIDI setup of your Mac, as explained in this article: How to Switch a Kontrol S-Series MK3 Keyboard to MIDI 1.0

    On macOS, you need to perform these additional steps:

    1. After you have set the Kontrol MK3 to MIDI 1.0 (see above), switch the keyboard off.
    2. Start Finder and open Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup.
    3. In the top menu bar, select Window > Show MIDI Studio.
    4. Select the Kontrol S MK3 and click the "-" button (or press the del key on your computer keyboard).
    5. Turn your keyboard back on.

    Can you confirm you have done that?

    If that didn't help, please open Komplete Kontrol in standalone, open the MIDI preferences and post a screenshot of the prefs for the MIDI inputs.

  • KAS OZ
    KAS OZ Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hi Jeremy @NI,

    I never switched from MIDI 2 to MIDI 1. I thought I had. Do you still want me to delete it?

    When I open MIDI studio, all elements are listed correctly and seem to be communicating.

    I have also attached an image of my MIDI studio setup.

    NOTE: I went to my s88 supplier for help. They were unsuccessful at getting the shop s88 to work in ProTools also, and experienced the same symptoms as me.



  • zachduenow
    zachduenow Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hey, for what it's worth, I just posted this issue - also saved up for my S61 and am disappointed to see that it's not fully integrating. Please let me know if you find an answer and I'll do the same!

  • zachduenow
    zachduenow Member Posts: 8 Member

    Also - just FYI - the "minus" symbol in my midi studio is grayed out for the S61. So I can't delete it even if I wanted to while switching between MIDI 1 and 2. Does this matter?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Hey Karl, so first things first. In Komplete Kontrol in standalone, you only need the S88 MK3 Main ticked, you can untick everything.

    Then what is this Session 1 MIDI input? To what software or device is it related to?

    Please disconnect the keyboard and delete the device in the Audio @& MIDI setup, when you reconnect the keyboard then it should create a new device in there, that is what we want. Restart your computer.

    Is it improving the situation in Pro Tools?

    If not can you post a screenshot of the options you have in the Peripherals box?

    And one you selected Komplete Kontrol, show what's available for Send to and Receive from?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited January 29

    there's no need for the - symbol, you can simply delete the with the delete key of your computer keyboard. This has to be done when the device is disconnected and when it is disconnected it is greyed out. So please try again, deleting this entry and reconnecting the keyboard will create a new one, that's what we want here.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    And for both of you, @zachduenow @KAS OZ If these steps were not enough, please try the following:

    Please write down any needed user setting of yours  in Pro Tools, make a copy of that file before hand, then delete it:

    Macintosh HD/Users/user name/Library/Preferences/Avid/Pro Tools/Pro Tools Prefs

    Note: the User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on Go in the menu bar and press down the Alt key. You'll now find the Library entry in the menu:

  • zachduenow
    zachduenow Member Posts: 8 Member

    Great - many thanks for sticking with us Jeremy. I first tried deleting the s61 from audio midi set up - video below. It didn't work. So I'll try the other reco now. Standby


  • zachduenow
    zachduenow Member Posts: 8 Member

    Jeremy! Consider yourself a 'muse' today - you worked it, and it worked! Just one more obstacle between me and my playing in the world of sound. Many thanks! Now i'm gonna go wash the Chicago Salt off my car, and blast music. Gratefully, Doctor Duenow

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @zachduenow haha thanks! I'm happy that it worked out!

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