Maschine Plus Standalone Mode WON'T START, just loading

Psyearth5 Member Posts: 349 Member

Hi Friends, I need advice or any help because Maschine Plus which I updated and used it in Standalone mode and after almost year of producing Hardware won't start

I never touched SD card, it came with in from the Store.

I have 3,4 GB free space and I am trying to export music to PC-Win 10 no matter how slow that process is I like device and now I am looking at Loading screen and I am afraid to reset or restart during this 15 min freeze but I will probably do it still I will appreciate any advice, any help for the future

Just this.

This is first time it happened and from what I read I wrote every info that is relevant( I think).

It's more than 100 tracks, it's time invested. It was time for Update for Software & Hardware compatibility for easier project transfer.

This is just what I produced to show how much is possible with just M+

To inspire, to I present the possibilities and hope to encourage everyone who is unsure about M+

It's biggest potential and I hope that NI realize it because Software is perfection and I mean basic that we all have in M+

I will made Hi-fidelity Video with Sound quality for everyone to be able to hear how it sounds and how I made it with details on how to achieve such precise and impossible sound.

Phone record is only choice I have due to lack of easy file transfer which is in my opinion very important Feature that we don't have.

Best Answers

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,517 mod
    Answer ✓

    The above sounds to me as a question for @D-One if he is around 🙂

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    Answer ✓

    Oh, I would not worry, sometimes it just freezes, crashes, etc… If it only happened to you one time consider yourself very lucky. Only If it starts to happen a lot then you should talk to tech support.

    As long as you keep a backup of your SD Card contents you will never lose your projects even if one day your M+ somehow breaks.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,517 mod
    Answer ✓

    The above sounds to me as a question for @D-One if he is around 🙂

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited January 21

    I'd focus on explaining the problem only.

    producing Hardware won't start

    and now I am looking at Loading screen

    It doesn't boot/start or is it stuck in a loading screen busy/exporting?

     I am afraid to reset or restart during this 15 min freeze

    Afraid of what? worst case scenario you lose what you were exporting (If I understood you correctly).

    I have 3,4 GB free space

    On any computer-like device having only 3GB free is a big no-no, if temporary files need to be written the device will be unstable. The computer might be preventing the M+ from transfering data? If thats what you're doing…

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 349 Member

    This photo was taken on the Startup of the M+ in standalone mode. I didn't see Boot screen just this Loading but then I turned it off and try it again,basically a restart and it booted and it's working, that's great.

    Worst case scenario would be something unexpected and maybe these times or something giving me fear of unexpected error. I don't know.

    Sorry I checked Yes as helpful but maybe I missed I missed. I understand that memory can be the case so I provided all information including that one. I am transferring Tracks to Computer in order to I free up space on M+.

    It's great if you spoted memory as first thing that can be the case and I hope it will be enough to do just that.

    I will try patiently to transfer files to Computer with the simple projects first. Because I have ideas for exporting everything I could and keep useful audio Lock States Morphing and to put them back in Arrangement to play smoothly like in Projects in Standalone mode.

    I have some finished Tracks, I will export them first and then later I will try more complex ones which would take a lot of converting from Synths and FX to Audio.

    Thanks for the reply.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    Answer ✓

    Oh, I would not worry, sometimes it just freezes, crashes, etc… If it only happened to you one time consider yourself very lucky. Only If it starts to happen a lot then you should talk to tech support.

    As long as you keep a backup of your SD Card contents you will never lose your projects even if one day your M+ somehow breaks.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 349 Member

    Thank you and, Yes I am thankful, lucky and I want to be cearful and use this unit until I see where is NI going in the Future, ether next standalone device or just second spare unit.

    Buying proper SD card together with Chord USB A to AC adapter is nowhere to find and that's how I got carried by Creativity while I was searching for those accessories.

    Once again,Thank you.

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