MIDI Mapping Browse Encoder Specific Deck

Francismixe Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

Hi !

I'm looking for an answer to this subject : reset stems of a specific deck. To do that, I mapped reset fixtures to Browse Encoder. Like that, when I load the next song, it resets all settings.

The problem is that it resets all settings of A & C or B & D (following the browse encoder that it uses).

How can I fix it ?

Thank you for your help !


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,157 mod

    S4 Mk3 right?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,023 mod
    edited January 22


    You need a modifier skeleton for the mapping to register that you have changed decks and/or the SHIFT layer in order to map deck specific commands:

    Load this modified default S4MK3 mapping file (and delete the old one). It includes a modifier skeleton for you own mapping use that recognizes SHIFT and DECK layers in the following manner:

    • Modifer#1 = 0: Deck A
    • Modifer#1 = 1: Deck A (shift layer)
    • Modifer#1 = 4: Deck C
    • Modifer#1 = 5: Deck C (shift layer)
    • Modifer#2 = 0: DeckB
    • Modifer#2 = 1: Deck B (shift layer)
    • Modifer#2 = 4: Deck D
    • Modifer#2 = 5: Deck D (shift layer)

    In the Controller Manager it looks like this. I added MUTE reset for deck A in this picture. You will have to add all 4 mute subchannel assignments for all 4 decks as well as all the other resets (FILTER, FX SEND; both ON/OFF and parameter values) using Interaction Mode: Direct and NO check in the 'override factory map' box.

    I incorporated all of this in the Community Performance Mod that is linked to in my signature, if you want to give it a try. Otherwise the above Modifier-Layer-Skeleton provides the modifier structure needed for any sort of deck focussed mapping you may want to experiment with.



  • Francismixe
    Francismixe Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Ok, thank you so much for your help, Sûlherokhh !

    I have 2 more questions :

    What is the shift layer for each deck ? Is it relevant to map it for each assignement ?

    Otherwise, I'm not familiar with the qml's way. Is it "dangerous" for my configuration ? If I understand, you code some harware & software modifications, isn't it ? Can I have possibilities to customize / switch on/switch off several things or it's a "all-in package" ?

    Thank you for your help,


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