Kontakt 8 Full version not showing in Vienna Ensemble Pro 7

ScottGius Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I cannot get Kontakt 8 (or 7) to show up as a plugin to use in an instance in VEP 7. I have the latest version of VEP, I have made sure that the vst settings are pointed to the path where the Kontakt8.vst3 file is located, nothing I've tried has worked.

I will also post in VEP community, but asking here for any help?

Thanks in Advance.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,517 mod
    edited January 17

    I have made sure that the vst settings are pointed to the path where the Kontakt8.vst3 file is located

    Are you using default VST3 installation location (must be used) or are you using 'custom' VST3 location. Sometimes people experience unforeseen complications by not using default system VST3 location.

    Else what is your exact OS version and Kontakt version and with "latest version of VEP" you mean ?. Usually then with respect to VEP problems then the VEP forum turns out to be a better place to ask for help since it appears as not really used by most 'power users' here.

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