Kontak 8 Tools Integration in Maschine 2 & 3

bmacorr Member Posts: 10 Member
edited January 16 in Maschine

When using one of Kontakt 8's tools including the Phrase or Chords tool. If you add the Chord or Phrase tool on top of an instrument instance within Kontakt 8, the NKS controls in Maschine only show the chord controls and they seem to not be 100% correct. Additionally, you cannot access the instruments parameters within Maschine unless you remove the tool within the Kontakt instance.


  • bmacorr
    bmacorr Member Posts: 10 Member

    I think I've resolved it through going through and trying to deduce the problem. It appears as if the parameters for the Tool (chord/Phrase) and the selected instrument do show up across the various pages. I was confused because there were many empty parameters and there was no labelling to help navigate to the parameters for the tool and for the instrument. I played around and it appears that the page that the parameters show up on will depend on the order in which they were added to the Kontakt Instance. I.e. if you add an instrument first, it's parameters show on the first pages, and if you add the chord tool after, it's parameters show in the later pages (makes sense). However, when loading the instrument first the labels for the pages show up correctly, not so if you load a chord first. The chord and phrase tool don't have a label for their NKS page?

    I've shown some examples below where the instrument or the tool were loaded first to visualize it.

    Chord First

    Notice how the pagination for the parameters don't have labels?

    Instrument First

    Notice how the pagination for the instrument have labels?

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