How to set-up Push 3 and Kontrol S88 mk3 for Ableton Live

Brifi777 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hello, I have been using my Push 3 for Ableton plugins and DAW control without any issues. I recently purchased a Kontrol S88 Mk3. For some reason, the Push stops functioning properly whenever I load up Komplete Kontrol or Kontakt on the new keyboard.

How do I get these two controllers to cooperate?

Thanks for any ideas!


Best Answer

  • Brifi777
    Brifi777 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jeremy - Thanks for getting back to me. Apparently the fix to my issue was that I needed to ask this question on the forum. As soon as I created discussion, the two hardware pieces started to function as expected. I guess fear will keep them inline!

    Have a nice day,



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    Can you give more details on what is happening exactly? Please give us a step by step events leading to the issue.

    How are your devices connected to the computer?

    Have you followed the steps oulined in this article? How to Set Up a Kontrol Keyboard with Your DAW

    Can you share screenshots of your MIDI settings in Ableton?

  • Brifi777
    Brifi777 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jeremy - Thanks for getting back to me. Apparently the fix to my issue was that I needed to ask this question on the forum. As soon as I created discussion, the two hardware pieces started to function as expected. I guess fear will keep them inline!

    Have a nice day,


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