Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass problem with volume

I have been using Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass, and the volume just seems to do whatever it wants.

I play a bass line and at any point the volume just drops out.

I have tried everything and cannot find any answer on the web. Has anyone else had this problem (and fixed it)

It also happens, occasionally in a piano vst, but the main culprit is the bass. It drives me nuts!


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,009 Guru

    I see from your profile you're on Windows 10 which is the same for me and I have no such problems on my Rickenbacher plugin or any of my various keyboard plugins. I'm on Ableton Live 11 Standard, but you didn't mention what you're using. All of my NI stuff (Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol, Native Access) are all on the most current versions. Without knowing these sorts of things it's going to be very hard to be of any help to you.

    Does this happen just on playback from your DAW, or when playing it directly from a keyboard through the plugin in Kontakt?

    Without a LOT more detail about your situation it's going to be near impossible to give you any ideas about where the problem is occuring.

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