Record an Hybrid set (Maschine mk3 & x1)

Woofy Goldberg
Woofy Goldberg Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hello, I am preparing a hybrid set with Maschne MK3 and my X1, however, I don't know how to record the "mix" having everything! Can someone help me?


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,905 mod

    Do you mean recording a Maschine/Tractor set?

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 765 Guru

    Do you use only Maschine Mk3 and X1 or is other hardware involved?

    You‘ll have to grab the audio signal at a point where everything is in the mix and route this to an audio input. In best case on the same audio interface Traktor uses. You can use Traktors mix recorder this way.

  • Woofy Goldberg
    Woofy Goldberg Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Actually, for the test, i'm using :

    -1x computer with maschine and tracktor

    -1x maschine mk3 & 1x X1 connected via USB to the computer

    Should I add to this an external audio type sound card? I've a Audio 4 dj stored somewhere if it can be useful

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