Streaming provider integration.

Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member

Following on from the October update from @Simon_NI where it noted “Right now the team is already starting to plan out the next areas of focus. These will likely be updates to help DJs discover new content, manage their library, prepare for performance, and play with an even wider range of setups.”

Would I be right in thinking this could include an update adding Tidal.

We have the access to Beatport and Beatsource, but access to libraries from Apple or Tidal would be great. I have Traktor Z2 and vinyl DVS, as well as Z1mk 2 and two X1mk3 but feel really limited in affordable lossless music, as all the various subscriptions break the bank. After the investment in the NI ecosystem and limited support from other software providers, this would be a massive win for Traktor users.

I note it is the highest upvoted “suggested development” on the development teams suggestions page (over 170 I recall)

any advice up updates would be greatly appreciated


Best Answers

  • DjPoliX
    DjPoliX Member Posts: 5 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi, I already vote in the Tidal over 170 requests/votes and I'm voting on this one. Tidal should be implemented in new Traktor version asap. This is crucial for private events where the songs requests from persons rules on the dance floor.

    Is there any date in the Traktor roadmap?


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert
    Answer ✓

    As there is no public roadmap anymore: No, no date. Not even an if at all. As explained in another thread already: Maybe the challenge for NI isn‘t the technical implementation but legal concerns. There has to a legal agreement between Tidal and NI to enable this. It is a possibility that both sides cannot agree on terms that suit both sides.

  • Copyright
    Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member
    Answer ✓

    thanks @maniacintosh81 and @DjPoliX

    I was kind of hoping as the streaming services had been adopted by the other big 4 providers, Serato, Rekordbox and Algoriddim, I would have thought that commercial terms would have been pretty standard from Tidals point of view and it was more about market share for the Dj Software providers, and being competitive in the market. Tidal charge a “DJ extension add on” so I would have thought they would be keen to add Traktor as it is another revenue stream for them and access to a larger user base.

    Here’s hoping!


  • DjPoliX
    DjPoliX Member Posts: 5 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi, I already vote in the Tidal over 170 requests/votes and I'm voting on this one. Tidal should be implemented in new Traktor version asap. This is crucial for private events where the songs requests from persons rules on the dance floor.

    Is there any date in the Traktor roadmap?


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert
    Answer ✓

    As there is no public roadmap anymore: No, no date. Not even an if at all. As explained in another thread already: Maybe the challenge for NI isn‘t the technical implementation but legal concerns. There has to a legal agreement between Tidal and NI to enable this. It is a possibility that both sides cannot agree on terms that suit both sides.

  • Copyright
    Copyright Member Posts: 17 Member
    Answer ✓

    thanks @maniacintosh81 and @DjPoliX

    I was kind of hoping as the streaming services had been adopted by the other big 4 providers, Serato, Rekordbox and Algoriddim, I would have thought that commercial terms would have been pretty standard from Tidals point of view and it was more about market share for the Dj Software providers, and being competitive in the market. Tidal charge a “DJ extension add on” so I would have thought they would be keen to add Traktor as it is another revenue stream for them and access to a larger user base.

    Here’s hoping!

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