NI komlplete to ableton vst2/vst3 (pc) not showing and no solution

ewe Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi, i am musician since 15 years but the vst location frustates me a lot!

Is there a reasonable, comprehensible explanation of how I can solve the VST Odner problem? There are many videos, but most of them only work on the mac and not on the pc.




Best Answer

  • DynaMaltee
    DynaMaltee Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 3 Answer ✓

    — VST2s —

    "What irritates me is that the folder specified by NI looks something like this: C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit Since I don't want Arturia, rob papen and co to end up in the Native Instruments folder, I am forced to put it in: C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit"

    Yes that is indeed a problem. Other DAWs allow to specifiy several VST2 folders because as you write different manufacturers put their VST2s by default into different folders. The problem of Ableton Live is, that it does not allow more than one VST2 folder to be specified. I'd say there are three possibilities to work around this.

    • The first, most robust, is to deinstall - and i mean really deinstall via windows apps→deinstall - the VST2s that are in the "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit" folder. Then reinstall in the "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins". This way they are all in one VST2 folder, you can point to this, and updaters know where to update them.
    • The second is to just copy and paste all VST2 *.dll files from "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit" to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins". This is the much faster solution. But with every update you have to keep them up-to-date by re-copying and pasting because the updater will again install the update to the old folders.
    • The third would be leave all the VST2 *.dlls where they are and to create a folder of your choise (for instance "Ableton VST2 Plugins"). Then create links to all VST folders inside this new folder. In this case to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins" and "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit". Then point in Ableton to the new created folder. I know that this solution has worked in the past but I am not sure if this still works. Not using it.

    I personally have used the second, quick option to just copy paste all the *.dlls from "Programs\VST Plugins" and "Programs\Steinberg\VST Plugins" to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit" and point to this VST2 folder in Ableton. But just because I do not use VST2s anymore in my projects and I do not install updates for VST2s at all. Just to be able to open older projects where I either replace the VST2 plugins with VST3 or freeze to audio. I just use VST3.

    — VST3 —

    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 «« Should I create this folder?"

    No. This folder is created automatically you don't have to do anything. Every VST3 manufacturer (NI, Arturia, Rob Papen, etc.) will put their VST3 plugins in this folder by default.

    In Ableton Live you can use the new filter system or the old Collections system to find, group or otherwise manage your VST3 plugins.

    Hope I could help…


  • ewe
    ewe Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    With this i don´t get VST2

  • DynaMaltee
    DynaMaltee Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2

    Hi, your seetings are wrong. VST2 come as 32 bit and 64 bit plugins. VST3 should always ONLY point to the default system folder (which is C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3) as every plugin manufacturer installes them there by default. You can change it but it makes no sense for DAWs with plugin management.


    • You seem not to have any VST32 bit plugins, else you would at least see those with your settings. So leave the upper VST button "VST2-Ordner festlegen" ON and point the upper folder to your "Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 Bit" (or wherever all your VST2 *.dll files are stored).
    • Leave the VST3 Button ON as it is ("Systemeigener VST-Ordner").
    • Turn OFF button "VST3-Ordner festlegen". Currently you point it to VST2 plugins.

    BWR: I'd recommend to get rid of any VST2s because they are no more supported by Steinberg. At least freeze those tracks or replace with VST3. (In contrast to Cubase, Ableton Live cannot replace VST2s automatically).

  • ewe
    ewe Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi, thank you for your help and patience. I have resolved to understand this issue once and for all and write it down for the future. I have to understand it. I will do your solution.

    What irritates me is that the folder specified by NI looks something like this:

    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit

    Since I don't want Arturia, rob papen and co to end up in the Native Instruments folder, I am forced to put it in:

    C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit

    to rewrite?

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 «« Should I create this folder?

  • DynaMaltee
    DynaMaltee Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 3 Answer ✓

    — VST2s —

    "What irritates me is that the folder specified by NI looks something like this: C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit Since I don't want Arturia, rob papen and co to end up in the Native Instruments folder, I am forced to put it in: C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit"

    Yes that is indeed a problem. Other DAWs allow to specifiy several VST2 folders because as you write different manufacturers put their VST2s by default into different folders. The problem of Ableton Live is, that it does not allow more than one VST2 folder to be specified. I'd say there are three possibilities to work around this.

    • The first, most robust, is to deinstall - and i mean really deinstall via windows apps→deinstall - the VST2s that are in the "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit" folder. Then reinstall in the "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins". This way they are all in one VST2 folder, you can point to this, and updaters know where to update them.
    • The second is to just copy and paste all VST2 *.dll files from "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit" to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins". This is the much faster solution. But with every update you have to keep them up-to-date by re-copying and pasting because the updater will again install the update to the old folders.
    • The third would be leave all the VST2 *.dlls where they are and to create a folder of your choise (for instance "Ableton VST2 Plugins"). Then create links to all VST folders inside this new folder. In this case to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins" and "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 bit". Then point in Ableton to the new created folder. I know that this solution has worked in the past but I am not sure if this still works. Not using it.

    I personally have used the second, quick option to just copy paste all the *.dlls from "Programs\VST Plugins" and "Programs\Steinberg\VST Plugins" to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit" and point to this VST2 folder in Ableton. But just because I do not use VST2s anymore in my projects and I do not install updates for VST2s at all. Just to be able to open older projects where I either replace the VST2 plugins with VST3 or freeze to audio. I just use VST3.

    — VST3 —

    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 «« Should I create this folder?"

    No. This folder is created automatically you don't have to do anything. Every VST3 manufacturer (NI, Arturia, Rob Papen, etc.) will put their VST3 plugins in this folder by default.

    In Ableton Live you can use the new filter system or the old Collections system to find, group or otherwise manage your VST3 plugins.

    Hope I could help…

  • ewe
    ewe Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Then reinstall in the "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins". (so all pluginbundles get into NI folder?)

    I don´t undestand it, sorry! Why not:

    C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins\Native Instruments

    for me it makes more sense, after i have a lot of bundles like arturia V or Explorer from Rob Papen. I have to say, that there are older bundles like V3.

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