Machine 2 projects cannot be opened with Machine 3.01 software

Bellator71 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


I have the problem that when I try to open a Maschine 2 project with the Maschine 3.01 Software, the Maschine 3.01 software always crashes.

Do any of you also have the problem?

What could be the reason?


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 165 Advisor

    I have tested the thing, as it looks, machine 3.01 software crashes only with my last machine 2 software project, all other machine 2 projects are now running with the machine 3.01 software.

  • Bellator71
    Bellator71 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Apparently the Machine 3.01 software still has problems loading Machine 2 projects for me.
    With a project, when I open the task manager of Windows 11 and look at how many MB of the project are loaded into the RAM, it is usually the case that the Maschinen 3.01 software opens partially and the loaded instrument including the effects of a group appears white on my monitor, and my machine MK3 and machine jam remain dark, it seems that the machine 3.01 software hangs in the last stages of the loading process. According to the task manager, I see that if the loaded project has 8,570 MB, it jumps back to 8,480 MB and reloads from then on and continues loading in a continuous loop.
    Strangely enough, I can open the project in Maschinen 2 software without any problems

    It always says No response

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