NI treating exsting customers poorly?

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that NI have a habit of offering deals that mostly do not benefit long-time, deeply invested customers. I was (am not anymore) interested in getting a KK S61 MK3.

Over the years, I have purchased a Maschine Studio, a KK S88 MkI (donating to a 6 year old that is learning piano), a Komplete Audio 2 (MEH!), Komplete M32, and the Komplete Ultimate CE as well as upgrading it 3 or 4 times, including recently to 15 Ultimate CE. They then released Maschine 3, but it had to be purchased separately (I believe I was at least allowed the upgrade price ummm… yay, I guess). Now, they have holiday hardware deals that will save you a lot of money if you don't already have a maxed out Komplete CE 15. No deals on the hardware without the software that I already own (yes, I asked and was told, "nope, sorry.") They now have a buy 1 get 2 free deal on play series instruments and the same deal on expansions. There are only 2 of each for which I don't already own a license, so I could still buy one get one, but you can't mix and match play series and expansions for the deal, so ultimately, I could only buy 1 get 1 free of each type. Today, they just released a new play series instrument and expansion, but neither are added to the buy 1 get 2 deasl, otherwise, I could take full advantage of the deal just like anyone that doesn't have 15 CE. Let's ignore the fact that I just upgraded my 15 Ultimate CE license a few months ago, and since then several new products have dropped which are, of course, not included.

Anyway, if they don't want me to buy any more of their products, this a great way to go about sending that message.
But, hey! Now they include some Izotope standard edition products with the Komplete Bundles. Cool, but I also already own the Music Production Bundle license separately.

What a shame that they've decided to treat their long-time, heavily invested customers so poorly.

I'm sure there will be some fanboys/fangirls on here that will rise to the defense of this now shady corporate owned entity. Save your breath.

I understand that NI is now owned by a predatory venture capitalist firm, but that doesn't excuse treating your loyal customers like trash while you focus only on luring in new suckers and delaying product releases until after the release of the new Komplete bundles.

This is terrible business practice, and maybe I'm the only one that sees it as a problem.

Oh well. Good luck to those of you who are thinking of chunking out a bundle of money with this company. When it's time for new deals, you'll be left on the outside looking in like the pile of trash they've already drained of all the cash they can.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Sir, this is a self-help forum.

    Is there something you would like help with? We'll do our best, we promise.

    But we have no control over NI or its beastmasters. For help with that, you'll probably be better off going to a Wendy's. At least they have chili there! 😏

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