ring 6 sl guitar problem

Pulici Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited December 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translationby DeepL)

Hello ,

When I downloaded guitar ring 6 sl, there were presets, but now they have disappeared how to get them on my rack?


Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting :Quote : Our community is currently only available in English. Please be advised that we retain the right to remove any posts in languages other than English.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    What version of Guitar Rog 6 is it? The Pro version, the free version? Could it be that you selected a color tag?

    In this example, the green tag is selected, if therte are no presets with a green tag, no presets will be displayed.

  • Pulici
    Pulici Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Bonjour merci de répondre oui j'ai bien cliqué sur l'étiquette mais je n'arrive pas a revenir en arrière , j'ai la version guitare ring le fourni avec une minifuse 4


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Hey as you may have noticed the forum is in English only. Please use an online translator.

  • Pulici
    Pulici Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


    Je n'arrive plus a avoir les presets qui était la au début Merci

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Hey as you may have noticed the forum is in English only. Please use an online translator.

    Le forum est en anglais, merci de bien vouloir utiliser un traducteur en ligne.

  • Pulici
    Pulici Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


    why do i no longer have any presets on ring 6guitare delivered with my mini fuzz arturia thank's

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Unclick the colour if it was selected, then you should see all the list of presets without colour tags. If for some reason the presets were lost, Please apply the same steps as for the crashes: Guitar Rig Crashes at Startup

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