Are the high save/load times with Kontakt 8 going to be addressed soon?

JacobmbMusic Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited December 2024 in Kontakt

As many of you have experienced, Kontakt 8 seems to cause abnormal save and load times. My Reaper project files take 3 to 5 minutes to save when there are more than a few Kontakt 8 instances loaded, and even longer to load the project initially.

I still have Kontakt 6 full and Kontakt 7 player installed and these issues do not occur with Kontakt 6 or 7, just Kontakt 8. I know other users have commented on experiencing this exact issue as well. Additionally, I recall that Native Instruments developers acknowledged this issue recently as well.

For the meantime, I am stuck using Kontakt 6 and Kontakt 7 player until the issues with Kontakt 8 are resolved. Will the issues be addressed soon? I paid for an upgrade that is completely unusable for me at this point and I am very close to asking for my money back.

Best Answer


  • Ongey
    Ongey Member Posts: 25 Member

    Hello, I've also experienced high load/save times, with Kontakt 7 & 8 and Komplete Kontrol. With KK, there is also a potentially serious DAW-inspecific memory leak / RAM usage issue that thankfully doesn't appear to be present in Kontakt (although I'd prefer to use KK alongside my S61 MK3 keyboard).

    As I've had Windows Task Manager up a lot recently to investigate, I noticed that in Studio One at least, the usage seems to go up a bit upon close (with or without saving). Very strange! But then steadily comes down, and Studio One will only fully close once RAM usage has gone right down.

    Hope this helps! It's the RAM usage I'm more concerned about, and am active on another thread with that.

  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

    A lot of strange behaviors of KK/KT8 and SXX MK3 also in Cubase Pro.
    Random, unspecific CPU load, problems with preset saving, ect.

    The newest platform, as an idea (Komplete 15 + SXX MK3) is great, but far form being stable and optimized.

    NI c'mon! Get down to work.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey, there, the issue is still under investigation:

    I'll close this thread to have all the conversation happening at the same place. Feel free to comment there.

This discussion has been closed.
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