Is there any word on new TRAKTOR KONTROL hardware?

Ranger Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited December 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

It's been 7 years plus since a DJ controller has been issued. Any word on anything new?
I need to make a decision, that this would change my path.

big thanks



  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert
    edited December 2024

    The release of last DJ controller (Z1 Mk2) from NI is just weeks ago - not years. An most likely there will be no new hardware with a Traktor Kontrol name. Traktor Kontrol X1 (Mk2) was renamed to Traktor X1 (Mk3) with the new generation. Z1 Mk2 is also officially just a Traktor Z1 (Mk2) no Kontrol in the name anymore.

    I assume you are waiting for a new S series all in one controller by NI. No announcement in this regard was made yet. I expect S2 Mk4, S3 Mk2 and S4 Mk4 will come sooner or later but when will be the question. Maybe in 2025 maybe later after a F1 Mk2 (which I expect for late summer/fall 2025). Heard no rumours about new Traktor S series controllers yet. But I am pretty sure they will be calles Traktor S2, Traktor S3 and Traktor S4 without Kontrol in the name - this designation seems to reserved for NIs keyboards now.

  • Skyba
    Skyba Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Who cares, will it have Kontrol in its name? There were lately 4 new controllers from Pioneer not including standalones: FLX2, FLX4, FLX6 and FLX10, and it looks they have success on the market. The small controllers NI released this year are nice, I also bought one, but this is not what we are really trying to understand. I would really like to know, is NI going to release new generation S-series controllers or not? It is not so critical will it be released a few months sooner or later, but are they working on it at all?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,876 Expert

    NI is tight lipped around this subject, same as most other companies.

  • Interfaced
    Interfaced Member Posts: 2 Member

    I also need to upgrade my S4 MK1 hardware due to missing drivers for up to date operating systems. I will not buy 7y old DJ hardware now that might break soon again. Probably I will switch to another brand for the hardware

  • Ranger
    Ranger Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    well it appears that they have been too for too long and the trend for the last almost 3 years has had people jump ship to other products and software. The theory is not actually going to do anything and Have killed the S line but just don’t people. I’ve been waiting and holding off for years for something new time has officially for me. I posted this exact question years ago, and it was removed with no response or teaser. We literally own

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 505 Pro
    edited January 19

    S4mk3 carries everything Traktor Pro 4 can offer. What news should bring NI?

    Some ask for Rane One like, others for Battlemixer… but what’s missing from actual products?



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Dedicated Sequencer and Pattern Player controller. Capable of 4 Fx Units control.

  • Ranger
    Ranger Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    the expectation that it’s just “fine” to invest in a six year old piece of technology, with not even a blip of information from the manufacturer creates a an almost a zero buyer confidence level. They discontinued, the MK2 with a “ driver issue” if you dig deep enough isn’t really a thing. The age of the MK3 has given buyers an insecurity about purchasing it with worry that they’ll turn around and they’ll be another one right after they purchase with no recourse. I’m sure if you post question in the proper form. You will find there are lots of features that people are looking for including large screens connectivity to USB. find there are lots of features that people are looking for including and connectivity

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I'm seriously considering picking up an S8 when playing out for now. I'm using Stems more and more and although the implementation is OK with the S4Mk3, I just prefer using my D2s when at home. The physical control of stems with faders is just superb and the screens are so good, even for a nine-year old piece of hardware. I now realise that controller (and the D2) were just so far ahead of their time in some respects…

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I am still on S5 and D2s. No real need for anything newer….

    IMHO NI will come with new controllers for Traktor soon. If current ones are close to be sold out.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 505 Pro

    It seems like Jam was for Maschine… Remix deck getting some love could be a thing but it doesn’t seem the “great deal”, pattern player neither but “it’s something” meme could fit here.

    Maybe a revamped F1 with that sequencer? 🤔

    After X1 and Z1 could make sense but will fulfill users dreams/needs? The new X1/Z1 did it?

    FX controller? I dunno… I prefer standalone fx units instead software based ones but if there’s a demand 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Trancer
    Trancer Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    It would be nice if they released something like the DDJ-FLX10, Rane Four or LC6000.
    I think they would be well received.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod
  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 505 Pro

    F1 with some sort of sequencer as you point but probably that feature will be for drum patterns…?

    Z2 like what? S11 and so?

  • Oxy
    Oxy Member Posts: 125 Helper

    No way I would buy a new S4mk3 7 years after it launched. The CDJ3000 and SC6000 are also 5 years old now. We really need something rather sooner then later.

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