Enable Maschine Plus Midi Ports in Controller Mode

Hawat Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hello all,

im trying to send Midi to an external synthesizer from the Maschine Plus while in Controller Mode. I couldn't quite get it to work. Online someone mentioned that the Midi Ports are deactivated by default for the Maschine Plus in Controller Mode, but I cant find a way to reactivate them.

For a little extra context, im running Maschine 2 as a plugin in Ableton 11 and im trying to send Midi to an old synthesizer that only has 5 pin Midi ports.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    If you're using the Plus as a controller then you don't send MIDI from the Plus, you send it from your computer. Do you see the Plus MIDI ports listed in Live?

  • Hawat
    Hawat Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Yes I figured it out by now (The Manual, as always) but I was really confused at first that you have to do the routing through Ableton now instead of Maschine. I still have to test around how to get my desired routing (being able to trigger notes from the Maschine/Using the Audio Ins from Maschine), but works for now, thank you very much :)

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