Discount not for update?



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    The real oddball issue here (to me) is why you even care about the other guy. The "new" guy. Any guy.

    This has never been about what "they" get and never has been.

    It's a sale. That's all.


  • dusty
    dusty Member Posts: 23 Member

    i suppose it is a balance between "rewarding loyalty" and "incentivising new customers to join the Komplete ecosystem". I *think* upgrades are sometimes 50% off (?) just not now so soon after release of a new release.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    Well put. Outside of some rare vouchers like the ones listed higher up in the thread - historically NI has never offered Komplete upgrades as standard Cyber Season items within the first year of a new Komplete bundle.

    K15 only dropped on September 27 - barely two months ago. This should not be a surprise to anyone.

    And the "new" customer discount has always been there too - for years now.

    I do not have any issue with someone new joining the fold and getting a good deal while they do it.


  • HeadEvelopedBySound
    HeadEvelopedBySound Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'll hang tight, I am a bit put off myself as I got the S61 mk3 and Komplete 14 Standard over the summer, to find I could of gotten 15 and the Keyboard for the same price I paid for 14. But I also have used that time since July to learn and implement these products into my workflow, so I am ahead there. So it's just perspective. I've reached out to NI Support as the first responder stated and will see what happens. No company is perfect in this and there is a balance that has to be struck. However I do understand, but the same could be said about IK products, I bought into their MAX bundles and now they are giving everyone the same $150 buy in opportunity - so my upgrade price is the same as first time users getting the full suite… not ideal but there you go(also I am passing on all that now that I have NI Standard and V Collection) - So it's not exclusive to NI as far as upgrade pricing/new user pricing debatable perspectives.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,080 Expert

    "I am a bit put off myself as I got the S61 mk3 and Komplete 14 Standard over the summer, to find I could of gotten 15 and the Keyboard for the same price I paid for 14. But I also have used that time since July to learn and implement these products into my workflow, so I am ahead there. So it's just perspective"

    Happens all the time to me as well - but you nailed it. Perspective.

    Always know that no matter what you decide to pull the trigger on - at this moment - there will ALWAYS be a better deal on that "thing" in a future moment. So - do you want it now - or can you wait?

    I have stopped worrying about it - and now just hit a deal if it feels right at the time. Never regretted anything I have bought regardless of what may (or may) come "deal-wise" on it later.

    And yes - there are way worse vendors out there than NI when it comes to value.


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