Having issues transferring multi-samples into Maschine sampler, please help:)

OhulahanBass Member Posts: 213 Pro

I use to do this all the time, sample in MainStage then drag the files into the zone section and Maschine would read the meta data in each files name and place each sample in its specific zone.

well today I pulled up a project with some of my multisamples requiring me to “locate” each sample. So I found the folder, dragged the samples to the sidebar in the zone page of Maschine’s sampler and every sample is played out over one big zone encompassing all velocity and keyboard so no matter the note you will hear dozens to hundreds of samples all at once. These were recorded in Maschine’s multi sampler and the notes and velocity data is in each files name.

I feel so frustrated because before Maschine had a multi sampler I did this often but have failed to figure it out.

please help my dumb ******$!


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