Has rhe traktor kontrol 3 an Virtual In

Like literally ?

Best Answer

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,762 Expert
    Answer ✓

    I don't understand the question.

    Do you mean the Hardware Traktor Kontrol S3 or the software Traktor Pro 3?

    If you mean the software, you could create an aggregated device between an hardware audio device and a virtual device. But no, just on it's own Traktor can only use a single audio device at a time with not virtual in or outputs. Blackhole, asio4all, VoiceMeeter are products that might interest you.

    If you talk about the Traktor Kontrol s3 I have no idea what you mean by virtual in.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,762 Expert
    Answer ✓

    I don't understand the question.

    Do you mean the Hardware Traktor Kontrol S3 or the software Traktor Pro 3?

    If you mean the software, you could create an aggregated device between an hardware audio device and a virtual device. But no, just on it's own Traktor can only use a single audio device at a time with not virtual in or outputs. Blackhole, asio4all, VoiceMeeter are products that might interest you.

    If you talk about the Traktor Kontrol s3 I have no idea what you mean by virtual in.

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