Tracktor Pioneer DDJ-T1

Juan V
Juan V Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hi, I have the Pioneer DDJ-T1 and I need the Tracktor program that has been released for this controller. It can be found without problem in Native Access but my Mac is very old and can not be downloaded with my operating system. With the mapping and drivers I have, it doesn't work well. I need that particular version of the Tracktor for the DDJ-T1 controller. Could someone pass it to me or help me get it? Thanks


  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    Can you also tell us exactly which operating system version it is?

    If I see correctly then the mappings can be used from Traktor Pro onwards.

    Do you have a license for the old Traktor and are having problems downloading it or do you not have a license at all?

  • Juan V
    Juan V Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi, I have tried all the mappings that are online and all the functions do not work correctly. I do have a license and the only option is to download it from Native Access which is in fact there but on my Mac version Native Access doesn't work so I need to get the DDJ-T1 specific version from another source.

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    Okay, then please state your exact Mac OS version, perhaps support can then provide you with a download link, but first we would need to know exactly which version you need.

  • Juan V
    Juan V Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    My Mac Os version is 10.12

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