Z1MK2 Issues

DJCarlos Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


I cant seem to get my Z1 working properly:

I have a win 10 PC with a Creative Blaster sound card connected to a 3 piece speaker setup via SPDIF out.

I have the Z1MK2 USB connected to a USB 2.0 port and the 3.5 to the line in on the creative (have tested with both 3.5 and phono)

PC audio is set to SPDIF out

Audio settings using z1 Mk2 ASIO (ASIO)

Out routing Output Monitor set to Headphone Output Master Main L+R

The above is how I connected my Denon MCX6000 and works perfectly

With the NI z1 i get audio from my speakers but is controlled by the headphone knob on the x1

Swapping round does nothing

Using WASBI driver i get audio but slowed down and distorted.

I also have the Sub Device Driver error in Device Manager

I also have an issue where it can take multiple restarts of Traktor 4 to actually pick up the z1

sometimes when it does pick up the mapping is wrong (hitting play makes the MASTER button flash in tractor)

I really dont want to return this kit but having spent a good few days trying to get it to work im pulling what little hair i have left out!!!



Best Answer


  • DJCarlos
    DJCarlos Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Sorry I should have noted I have an x1mk3 aswell and when connected together the play and master issue occasionaly appears

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 393 mod


    For the moment please try to update the firmware in your Z1 first.


    After that I'm curious to see how it behaves.

    Also, can you please send me some screenshots from your first three tabs in Preferences?

  • DJCarlos
    DJCarlos Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi Martin,

    I have updated the z1 (and x1) when i first set it up.

    After a day of restarts and a full reinstall of everything it seems to be working but it often takes multiple restarts to get either audio from the main out (headphones work every time)

    I also have a noise coming from the speakers when it does work and nothing is playing using both the phono or single 3.5m connection.

    I have a video of this not sure how i can get that to you?

    I can provide setup screenshots a bit later after work.

    Many thanks


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    My colleague Martin is out of office, plese get in touch with my colleagues here: https://bit.ly/NI_support_Traktor

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