Problem with Traktor Pro 4.10 taking ages to quit with big collection

I updated from Traktor Pro 3.5.3 to 4.10 and I experience a problem with shutting down the software. I am on a Windows 10 computer I7 with 16 GB RAM.

Traktor 3 takes about 8 seconds to store the collection and quit. Traktor 4 takes 12 Minutes with the same collection. I took over the settings and collection when updating. And this is the case each and every time again.

A reset of the settings to default did not help. Also no reinstallation.

I then cleared the collection and suddenly the programm would quit in no time. I then started importing my music folders one at a time and the time to shut down did get longer with every folder. I have a collection of 39000 songs.

What I also noticed is that my McAfee Antivirus scanner starts working with 20% CPU usage as soon as Traktor 4 starts closing. When I deactivate the antivirus software the process of storing the collection and closing the programm "speeds up" to 40 seconds.

So I figure that Traktor 4 does something else compared to TP3 when closing? As I said TP3 takes only 8 seconds with no antivirus interference.

Switching off the antivirus software does not look like a cool way to deal with the problem. And coming from 8 seconds shutdown time to 40 seconds or more does not feel like an upgrade which was actually why i bought TP4…

Does anybody experience similar problems? And why is that difference between TP3 and TP4? Is there a solution to this problem or is it a known bug?

Thanks for any advice or help.


  • andy_andy
    andy_andy Member Posts: 46 Helper
    edited November 2024

    Same for me and for others who have written about it, but as far as I know, no answer.

  • fr.eddy
    fr.eddy Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you for your answer! I have been looking for my problem in the Forum. But probably i did not use the right keywords to search, because i did not find anything similar to my problem.

  • jo-jo-on-tour
    jo-jo-on-tour Member Posts: 10 Member

    sorry guys - i have no solution, but a similar problem: "importing another collection" takes minimum 15 minutes in traktor pro 4, latest version.

    i work cross-platform, with a macbook pro for life and studio tasks and some win10-lenovo ideapad 5 pro for composing, editing, preparation, the normal every-day-stuff.

    that means that i have to share/update my collection between the two notebooks several times a week… it's horrible. waiting, waiting, waiting - as if lifetime's no worth. would be great if native offers a solution here! thanks!

    DJ ALINO Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    j'ai le même souci et je ne sais pas pourquoi non plus

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I seem to recall there was another thread with a similar topic and the conclusion was that something has changed recently and if any of your music files are stored on slower-access media, e.g. USB or NAS drive, then saving your collection becomes incredibly slow. No answer from NI yet though, as to why this seems to have changed.

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