Why are only some patterns playing in Strummed Acoustic 2 Kontakt7 ?

Mark Thie
Mark Thie Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

I'm working with Strummed Acoustic 2 and some of the patterns do not play when I scroll through.

I do have other VI's open as well (Omnisphere and Addictive Drums 2) Not sure if that's an issue or not.

I had the same problem in Luna so I exported the midi to Logic Pro 11.0 and have the same problem when scrolling through the patterns some play and some don't.

I thought the session was buggy so I put an instance on a unrelated Logic session with the same results.

Best Answer

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro
    Answer ✓

    The manuals for the various guitar libraries do state there is a minimum bpm you can go to. In reality Ive found this can differ depending on the preset you choose. Its very disappointing as you can work around it to a degree, but its too clunky and definitely a work flow killer. It would be so nice if NI increased the playable range of bpms as these instruments have a great sound. Many times I have slow tempos I like to work at and limits like this is a buzz kill.

    Probably something that comes into it is the further away from the bpm the sample was made, the more artifacts you introduce, hence the limits.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Which pattern specifically? Can you share a MIDI clip in here? What's the tempo and what's the sample frequency in your Logic project?

  • Mark Thie
    Mark Thie Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi Jeremy,

    Can't share a midi clip here. But it not complicated

    The pattern is "I don't care" (although I do ;) ) but this been happening in the strummed acoustic 1 library as well.

    The tempo is around 65bpm.

    And do you mean frequency as how often?

    If so it would be the whole song pretty much.

    Looking forward to getting to the bottom of this, it's killing my creative process. :)

  • Mark Thie
    Mark Thie Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hey Jeremy,

    I just opened Kontakt7 as a stand alone and I can play that patch. Again is seems to be random as to which patterns play.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro
    Answer ✓

    The manuals for the various guitar libraries do state there is a minimum bpm you can go to. In reality Ive found this can differ depending on the preset you choose. Its very disappointing as you can work around it to a degree, but its too clunky and definitely a work flow killer. It would be so nice if NI increased the playable range of bpms as these instruments have a great sound. Many times I have slow tempos I like to work at and limits like this is a buzz kill.

    Probably something that comes into it is the further away from the bpm the sample was made, the more artifacts you introduce, hence the limits.

  • Mark Thie
    Mark Thie Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks Jojo.

    I'll go check that manual out. It just seems so random.

    I appreciate your time.😁

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