sampling with Maschine MK3 and Black Hole from Youtube

NitroBeats Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hello I am trying to sample from Youtube using Maschine Mk3 and Black hole, I am routing the black hole properly in the Mac System because I am getting the mic on when I am in sound setting, at least I think. But I am not getting any sounds in on the Maschine, can anyone give me some tips on what I am doing wrong. Would greatly appreciate it. I am using a M2 Mac with Sonoma.

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    BlackHole is to send Audio in between Apps.. The controller is irrelevant unless you want to hear the output thru the MK3 interface Outs (?)

    Ussually you just create a multi-out device, set it was your MacOS Sound Device then on the DAW/App Input you select BlackHole but Maschine does not allow selecting a different Interface for INPUT and another for Output (so you can hear things)… So the only way I got it work was to:

    Open the Audio MIDI Setup app in MacOS and:

    1 - Create a Multi-Output Device, enable BlackHole and whatever you use to listen/monitor Audio, (in my case right now it's my laptops speakers)

    2 - Select that same Multi-Out as your MacOS system Sound Device:

    3 - Also in Audio MIDI Setup create an Aggregate Device, enable both BlacHole and whatever you use to monitor again - You might need to press "Configure Speakers" to specify further — in my example I would need to set the last 2 Outs as my speakers 17 and 18:

    4 - In Maschine Audio preferences select the Aggregate Device as your interface, INPUT 1/2 should record your system Audio (Browsers, Spotify, etc..) and once again i need to set outs 17 and 18 as the Maschine Output 1-2 to hear things.

    You need to restart Maschine 3 for it to see the Aggregate Device.



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    BlackHole is to send Audio in between Apps.. The controller is irrelevant unless you want to hear the output thru the MK3 interface Outs (?)

    Ussually you just create a multi-out device, set it was your MacOS Sound Device then on the DAW/App Input you select BlackHole but Maschine does not allow selecting a different Interface for INPUT and another for Output (so you can hear things)… So the only way I got it work was to:

    Open the Audio MIDI Setup app in MacOS and:

    1 - Create a Multi-Output Device, enable BlackHole and whatever you use to listen/monitor Audio, (in my case right now it's my laptops speakers)

    2 - Select that same Multi-Out as your MacOS system Sound Device:

    3 - Also in Audio MIDI Setup create an Aggregate Device, enable both BlacHole and whatever you use to monitor again - You might need to press "Configure Speakers" to specify further — in my example I would need to set the last 2 Outs as my speakers 17 and 18:

    4 - In Maschine Audio preferences select the Aggregate Device as your interface, INPUT 1/2 should record your system Audio (Browsers, Spotify, etc..) and once again i need to set outs 17 and 18 as the Maschine Output 1-2 to hear things.

    You need to restart Maschine 3 for it to see the Aggregate Device.


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