Preview player => Xone


I would like to send the preview player somewhere other than decks A, B, C, or D on my Xone 43C, so that I can pre-listen even if the deck's volume is up. Is there a solution? Ideally, I'd like to route the preview player to the Aux/Mic input to have a dedicated cue.

Thank you !


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod

    What does the dropdown menu on the audio output page of the preferences look like for 'preview player'? What options does the 43c have?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod

    Looks like the onboard soundcard has access to only 4 stereo channels x2 (IN + OUT), corresponding to A, B, C and D. If you want to use preview you need to reserve one of the channels for it, keeping the linefader down and pressing CUE to prelisten in your headphones:

  • MartinoLabuche
    MartinoLabuche Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you so much, Sûlherokhh!! You’re confirming what I thought. It’s really a shame they didn’t plan for sending to this 5th channel that has a cue. So, I’ll send the preview player to the deck I use the least often, which is deck D.

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