no input levels

DomBang Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

I just installed the new 3.0 software opened up YouTube for a sample to use the stem option. got a nice sample stem works fine. restarted computer opened up machine tried to sample and now no levels in input 1and 2 can some help me out.


  • DomBang
    DomBang Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    im not receiving audio when sampling from YouTube.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    I'm a little confused. So you were able to record from Youtube and not anymore? You would need an audio router to be able to do this, like Voicemeeter if you're on Windows:

    Or Loopback if you're on Mac:

  • DomBang
    DomBang Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    it is weird because my Mac Studio is connected to my Apollo twin and my maschine in connected usb. I never used a third party app. This started happening when I updated to the latest update. So now i updated to 3.0 everything worked fine got a sample chopped and used the stem option to se if it worked and it did. As soon as I restarted my computer and tried to sample again from you tube now im not seeing no input levels from stereo 2 L&R

  • DomBang
    DomBang Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    also in my preference settings is all connected right. I did the privacy settings with microphone with maschine checked on. Never had this issue. I’ve been sampling wireless for years.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    I'm not sure what was your setup and why it's not working like before. Do you mean that you routed the output of your computer to Maschine MK3?

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