How can I convert Nki files to wave?

Kaylen Member Posts: 13 Newcomer

I basically want to make kits from some of the West Africa samples, I'm pretty new to this stuff, Im thinking if I could record the loops I could chop them up,, but so far I havent managed to get them to record in studio one, Is there a way to simply convert the nki files to wave?

Best Answer

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 424 Pro
    Answer ✓

    If you want them, you can copy the raw samples, provided you have access to editing (full version of Kontakt needed, plus spanner present in top LH corner of instrument).

    No idea how you record in your DAW, but in Bidule I make lossless recordings by plugging an audio recorder into the Kontakt output.

    Open Group Editor, Mapping editor (Selected Groups only), Wave Editor. Highlight in turn each sample you want to record in the Mapping Editor, then play by pressing Go in the Wave Editor. You'll have to chop up your recordings afterwards in an external audio editor. Tedious, time-consuming, but it can be done. (And no way NI cockups can prevent access to your new samples.)


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,922 Expert

    Do not believe so. All libraries are encrypted.

    If we had direct access to convert everything without guard rails - who would need to buy the library?

    You could always just record an instrument into your DAW and cut that up.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 424 Pro
    Answer ✓

    If you want them, you can copy the raw samples, provided you have access to editing (full version of Kontakt needed, plus spanner present in top LH corner of instrument).

    No idea how you record in your DAW, but in Bidule I make lossless recordings by plugging an audio recorder into the Kontakt output.

    Open Group Editor, Mapping editor (Selected Groups only), Wave Editor. Highlight in turn each sample you want to record in the Mapping Editor, then play by pressing Go in the Wave Editor. You'll have to chop up your recordings afterwards in an external audio editor. Tedious, time-consuming, but it can be done. (And no way NI cockups can prevent access to your new samples.)

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