FM8 not being recognized as instrument in Zenbeats

Joel B
Joel B Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

I recently purchased the FM8 synth and have tried to open it as a plugin instrument in Roland Zenbeats but Zenbeats only recognizes it as an audio effect, not an instrument. I have other vst3 synths that Zenbeats does recognize as an instrument so not sure why it is not recognizing FM8. I'm using a Windows laptop. Any help is appreciated. Thanks


Best Answer


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    I'm not familar with Zenbeats but after checking their product page, it does not mention the support of VST3, only VST, that would be something to clarify with Roland.

    Checking their knowledge base, they mention this:

    Check your installation paths for FM8 in Native Access and add the plugin folders in Zenbeats. VST3 files are installed by default on this location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

  • Joel B
    Joel B Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you for your response. I have another synth (Podolski) which I believe is a vst3 and is recognized by Zenbeats as an instrument but I will check to make sure and double-check my plugin folders.

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