Audition presets next/previous with keyboard shortcut

Zephar_C Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Notice much posting concerning auditioning presets by clicking a keyboard shortcut as in logic brackets, previous, very easy and convenient. It states in Native Instrument's overview of the browser, up and down arrows will scroll through the presets. When I use the arrows, only scrolls through the libraries, NOT the presets.

This should be a priority to audition presets, as there are so many and having to manually click on a TINY little arrow to the left and right - It's absolutely maddening.

it is so time consuming it's almost a killer from wanting to purchase Native Instruments complete or their expensive libraries. Not understanding this at all. If I'm wrong and there is a keyboard shortcut on your macOS computer, please please let me know!

Best, Seth


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    I'm afraid I don't exactly understand what you mean here. If I select a library in the browser I can then navigate through the presets/previews with the arrows of the keyboard.

    Do you mean this is not working for you? Or are you asking about a feature request?

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    That is exactly what I mean! It does not work on my new Mac mini Pro magic, keyboard, nor my older iMac with a wired keyboard. What are you clicking on to go up and down the presets? In logic, it’s the brackets, and that works fine. However, in Kontakt 8, 7, etc….The up and down arrow keys, the ones should audition the presets up and down, but that does not happen. I see that you are first clicking on one preset. What happens us, in logic it goes up and down the tracks.
    Perhaps there is a conflict in the keyboard shortcuts between LogicPro and Kontakt when selected within logic? Perhaps I should try the standalone Kontakt app? CSE up and down arrow keys were without logic being open?
    If you have any other ideas, let me know because it seems to work perfect on your screen as I have read it should. Many people use LogicPro, must be very frustrating trying to audition presets with that tiny little left and right Arrow. no one has mentioned this before that I could find of all those that use LogicPro!

    I think I know what needs to be done. And logic and keyboard shortcuts. I need to change the arrow keys being used in logic for changing tracks up and down? You must be using a different DAW?
    Thank you for showing me that it actually does work, and I suspect there is a conflict in the keyboard shut shortcuts between the two, LogicPro and Kontakt.
    Best, Seth

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    On the other hand, is there a way to change a keyboard shortcut Kontakt, using a different keyboard combination beside the keys.? Say the left and right arrow keys.
    Did a search on changing default keyboard shortcuts in LogicPro, and haven’t found anything yet.

    Best , Seth

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    I am just learning Kontakt and finding it very confusing and get different results when I want to view things differently. It appears opening the. Kontakt at separately and selecting as I showed as you showed on the screen after selecting library in the presets show up on the right side, the Arrow keys work. However, if you select the library and select a library at the bottom and the preset show below, do not work, and this is where I was trying to use the keys. But, if you select library first, and then the preset show up on the right, then the keys do work.
    It’s small things like this and make it very frustrating. Using a new format. I wish. Kontakt would show up like other plug-ins within your DAW so you can use your keyboard shortcuts as any other plug-in that you use, instead of having to learn a whole new set.
    Can anyone tell me how to access the quick-load function? Kontakt 8? This is very important in organizing your presets and favorite sounds and it seems to only work Kontakt 5, which does not work macOS 14. It’s supposed to be an icon in the upper right corner, but there is not one. However, if you view, there is a quick load in the from the view on the left upper and you can select it, but nothing happens. If someone could explain how to get this working Kontakt 8, I would be much grateful. I can only find how to videos and showing this, but they’re all using the 5 version.
    I did find a way when loading a third-party plug-in without a license how to change the default folder gray, to a picture, if anyone is interested on how to do this. There are many steps, but it sure does look better.

    Best, Seth

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    To be 100% clear. To be able to navigate the presets in Kontakt 8, you first need to click on the library in Kontakt's GUI, you can't do it directly from Logic. I have no shortcuts set in Logic. It's basically Logic in default settings. There are no editable shortcuts in Kontakt.

    Regarding the Quickloads, it's still present in Kontakt 8, you need to enable the view:

    It's also explained in the manual here:

    You can also check these videos:

    and this one for Kontakt 7, most functions are the same:

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Thank you so much for the reply. In the view that is showing, I can see the menu option “quickload“, yet selecting QL does not appear. The quick load window does not show at all. I have to first click on the word “Kontakt” and the libraries then show in a column on the left, then the QL window appears on the bottom right. I found this by accident, and nowhere did I see an explanation of clicking on the word Kontakt in the left upper corner would change the view completely, and QL window shows on the bottom right. It does not show in the view that you’re showing there, in Kontakt 7 nor 8. The arrow keys work when the presets are showing on the right. However, when the QL window is open, the libraries are stacked on the left column, the presets cannot be dragged to the QL window. The arrow keys conflict with logic previous next track, keyboard shortcuts. This is very problematic, and I found this conflict under LogicPro/Show keyboard Shortcuts; but, it took me a while to find the arrows, which I show here and changed the key combination to something else. It would only allow me what you see here, as any other combination conflicted with other keyboard shortcuts already in use by logic. Still, when the presets are on the left side, the screen the LogicPro window flashes, and Kontakt does not go up and down to Select the presets, so I suspect there’s still a conflict. I’m surprised NI would use a conflicting keyboard shortcut with a highly used DAW like LogicPro. Is there a way to see QL window in the Browser window that’s showing in the first picture you placed here? The QL item is selectable in the drop-down menu, but the QL window does not appear, as you can see in the screenshot on my Mac mini Pro.
    In the ScreenShots placed, you can see there is no QL window, even though QL is selected in that view, the view that you show in your first picture, with the presets on the right and the arrow keys are working to select the presets, up and down. Even after changing the keyboard shortcut in LogicPro, the arrow keys still do not work when the presets are on the left and the QL window appears bottom right. Yet unable to drag to add any presets to quickload in the view QL is showing. That makes no sense.
    I’m new to this environment and finding this quite frustrating. There are so many presets, but many are not useful to me. I can left click on a patch, when the patches show on the right, and manually add the patch to QL folder in the finder in the instruments folder of the QL folder in library/Application Support/NI/QL/instruments, and the patch will then show up in the QL window. But this is a rather tedious way of doing things. Is there something not functioning correctly in my set up?
    Best, Seth

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Do you know how do you get the quickload window to show when the patches are showing on the right side. This is where the arrow keys function, and all patches are visible. I can only get the quickload window when in the rack view and the presets are on the left side, but not all the presets show, and they’re more difficult to access, and the arrow keys do not work, At least in logic. I’ve deleted the arrow key shortcuts in logic, but it still does not work.
    It says when the libraries are all visible, and the patches are all showing listed on the right side to right click, control click, below a library to access to quickload window, but I can’t get anything to show or work in Kontakt 7 or Kontakt 8.

    Best, Seth

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