Maschine 3.0 General Discussion



  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 109 Advisor
    edited November 2024

    $29 upgrade from Maschine 2 → 3? Is that really true? I've spent more on car parking and a coffee before. 🤘

    ….In fact, you guys thought about buying a plot of land and a coffee machine? Don't pretend you wouldn't enjoy clamping the moaners, knowing that the weak latte is slowly dripping into their laps as you leave the gates. "Have a good day, sir".

    I joke, of course. Good for the soul is laughter! :)

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 220 Advisor

    I only use it as a sound module not a fan of the software just love the expansions

  • cal
    cal Member Posts: 30 Helper
    edited November 2024

    Yeah I still have no idea what youre talking about. We may have a native lanuage issue.

    1. Maschine, itself, is only around for convenient access to expansions, version 1, 2, or 3.

    Wut? I use it with my own samples, you dont have to buy expansions at all AND the NI expansions also contain WAV files that you can use in any DAW so thats demonstrably false but go off I guess. Might want to actually learn Maschine if you just think its just a soundpack player. Thats like hiring a 48 piece orchestra just to get the trombone player to record fart noises, you can absolutely do it but its not really using it to its full potential.

    1. Maschine3 will cost money

    We have established that. Repeatedly. No idea what point you are making at this juncture, if you dont want it? Get ready, here it comes ….DONT BLOODY BUY THE THING! The old version you have will still work fine, K? K.

    I cant believe we have reached Goof Con 1 where Im actually defending NI. lmao

    Also 29 bucks? Noice

  • fdwy_phto
    fdwy_phto Member Posts: 8 Member

    will the updated software allow users to use “play” series instruments on m+ standalone?

    thanks for updating the software. I’m really looking forward to using it. I’ll happily pay on day 1.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro
    edited November 2024

    Not exactly free sir if you count all the expansions I've purchased over the years.

    For clarification I haven't used Maschine as a production tool in about two years since switching to a proper DAW other than occasionally tapping out some rough ideas. Sometimes someone just has to stand up and be counted.

    And yes, I could continue to use an unsupported version of the software for as long as it works and NI makes it available, I'm already doing that with KK. That's not the issue here as far as I'm concerned. So for anyone willing to give NI the green light to carry on ripping people off I say, good luck with that. As far as I'm concerned, with the exception of Kontakt, I'm done with NI. This was the tip of the iceberg along with all the other headaches I've had to endure in recent times.

    Just for the record I'd like to add that for the majority of the years I've been a customer I've been a big fan of NI products and invested heavily in them but in recent years along with the changes in personnel and structure within the company things have really started going downhill.

    For me the low cost of upgrading is in itself a cause for concern. Are NI margins so tight that they really need to charge for this at all in favour of upsetting loyal and what should be valued customers?

    On that note I'll bow out from this discussion.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    I can’t wait for M3 to be released!

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @cal wrote:

    Thats like hiring a 48 piece orchestra just to get the trombone player to record fart noises, you can absolutely do it but its not really using it to its full potential.

    Best. Analogy. Ever.


  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited November 2024

    You do know that you can use your custom content in Maschine, and that no-one is forcing you to buy a single Expansion? There's a USER view for any type of content in the Browser. You can buy Massive/FM8 presets from loopmasters or wherever, dump them into your Maschine library, and they will work, just as will presets which you have downloaded from the web for free, or presets which you have created yourself. The same applies for Reaktor & Kontakt content, and to custom oneshot samples and loops. You can even tag your samples and presets so they will be browsable via the tags, just like the content from paid NI Expansions.

    I have personally bought like 1 Expansion for Maschine, and even that I bought because I had a 25€ voucher I needed to use up. The rest of my content I've bought from loopmasters, Samples From Mars, etc 3rd party content providers during Black Friday sales for pennies, plus a vast amount of stuff I have just DLed for free over the years.

    Perhaps Maschine is just a "glorified NI expansion player" for you, but do not make the mistake of thinking that is what it is for every Maschine user.

  • TGICarrie
    TGICarrie Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2024

    All I can say is, I am excited!

    Folks are referencing an upgrade price - where is this infor coming from (not that it changes the fact I am all in for this upgrade)?

    now, is this happening today or what! 🙏🍀🎵🙏🍀🎵🙏🍀🎵

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    The upgrade price info comes straight from NI themselves

  • D!ce
    D!ce Member Posts: 13 Member

    Couldn't agree more. It seems to me that some people have very unrealistic expectations.

  • Carosone
    Carosone Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited November 2024

    Versatile production software with a focus on groove production and sample editing

    Clip-based pattern sequencer for editing patterns, moving notes, changing touch sensitivity, recording modulation, and more

    Comprehensive sampling features

    Versatile mixer for channels and sound groups

    6 monophonic drum plug-ins with 29 sound engines, including 9 kick drums, 9 snare drums, 3 hi-hats, 3 toms, 3 percussion, and 2 cymbalsIncludes 24 mix effects and 8 performance effects

    Stem separation for splitting an audio file into vocals, bass, drums, and other instruments, powered by iZotopes RX technology

    Bounce In Place for rendering sounds, patterns, and ideas as audio, saving CPU power and opening up new creative possibilities

    Easy-to-use, tag-based sound browser

    File import formats: WAV, AIFF, MP3, MP4, FLAC, and OGG

    Basic integration with Kontrol S-Series MK3, including transport controls and keyboard display of Maschine modules and NKS map

    Compatible hardware: Maschine Mikro MK3, Maschine MK3, Maschine Studio, and Maschine+ (Controller mode only)

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