Komplete Kontrol has low resolution images

Nathan Hades
Nathan Hades Member Posts: 10 Member

The resolution of the images for the libraries is too small. Is this the case for everyone? I upgraded from version 2.9.6 to 3.3.3 at the end of September and it seems that Komplete Kontrol 3 uses the same thumbnails but displays them much larger.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited November 2024

    These thumbnails are (and always have been) a standard size.

    And - KK is not designed for any monitor resolution higher than standard HD (1920x1080)

    If you are attempting to use KK in 4K (or any resolution beyond Standard HD) - anomalies would be normal I would think.


  • Nathan Hades
    Nathan Hades Member Posts: 10 Member

    I have 1920x1080.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited November 2024

    Are you resizing KK v3?

    As far as these thumbnails go - even with a KK update from 2.9.6 - I would not expect any earth shattering changes to these things. Especially from third parties who have to submit their thumbnails as part of existing libraries.

    If I was a third party and shipping an NKS library (for use in KK 2.9.x) back in say - 2022 - I would not be updating my thumbnails just because NI decides to release KK v3.

    I assume these thumbs are a standard size that everyone has to abide by - to establish some sort of baseline standard for a tiny laptop screen all the up to a 32 inch monitor.

    And let's be honest - the thumbnail is just there to make those tiles look ever so slightly better than a standard folder icon. I simply click on it and get busy. Probably not a high priority item for making KK better.

    There are tons of other things that KK v3 needs to get close to the form and function in KK v2.9.6


  • Nathan Hades
    Nathan Hades Member Posts: 10 Member

    You're right, of course. It's just a small thing. But I was just wondering why these thumbnails always look so blurry since version 3.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro

    NI software has always been pretty bad even at 1080 resolution. In the 10 years I've been a NI customer, resolutions in their software have always looked blurry compared to all other software I use. I'm convinced that their apps, including KK, aren't even optimised for 1080.

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