External synths in Maschine

Moshchop Member Posts: 15 Member

Good afternoon

Please could anyone help with a problem I have hearing recorded notes in Maschine from an external synth.

My set up is Maschine+ connected as well to MacBook Air M1. My audio device is Behringer Uphoria umc204 hd.

I have no problem playing and recording NI plugins but I’ve recently bought a Roland Gaia 2 and have connected it by the usb cable to the MacBook but also using midi cables and audio cables between the Behringer and Gaia.

Playing midi on it and recording plug ins from NI is no problem but would like to record the Gaia 2 sounds into Maschine software. In Maschine software have created a group, gone to sound and on input have selected In 1 L-R. With this when I play notes on the Gaia I hear the Gaia sounds. When I record this the midi notes show up in Maschine and I hear the notes as I play. The problem is when I stop and then play this back I don’t hear any sounds. Can anyone help please on how to fix this so I hear the sounds on playback. Not sure if the method I’ve followed so far is correct or not and I’m just missing another setting or if there is a different way or it is a setting on the Gaia I’m missing.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Guys.


Best Answer

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 101 Advisor
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    You hear the Gaia sounds because you're playing is triggering them directly without going through Maschine. You have to decouple Gaia's keys from the internal sound engine. This is called Local Off. See:


    Then you have to make sure Maschine is receiving and sending MIDI data to the Gaia. The MIDI output of the pad/track you are using to record the Gaia notes on has to have its Input Source coming from the Gaia's midi ports and the output destination has to go to the Gaia's midi port.


  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 101 Advisor
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    You hear the Gaia sounds because you're playing is triggering them directly without going through Maschine. You have to decouple Gaia's keys from the internal sound engine. This is called Local Off. See:


    Then you have to make sure Maschine is receiving and sending MIDI data to the Gaia. The MIDI output of the pad/track you are using to record the Gaia notes on has to have its Input Source coming from the Gaia's midi ports and the output destination has to go to the Gaia's midi port.

  • Moshchop
    Moshchop Member Posts: 15 Member


    Brilliant. That solved it.
    thank you so much for your help.

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