Install Sonos Port with Traktor S8

DjLOOP Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


I just want to know i've buy a sonos port and connect with my Traktor S8. Anybody have any issues with this, because i have try too many times and no connexion were.

This system are connect to my minimac,

Anybody have a answer,



Best Answer

  • Jose Rodenas
    Jose Rodenas Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    I don't know exactly what kind of connection you want exactly but all you need is an audio cable with RCA to RCA connection to connect from the RCA master output of the Traktor Kontrol S8 controller to the RCA line input of your Sonos Port device. Nothing else, then I understand that you will have to activate the audio input in your Sonos control application to start playing the sound through the Sonos speakers. I can not help you much more as I am not a Sonos user. Good luck and greetings


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,864 mod
    edited October 2024

    You should be able to go from the master outs to the line in on the Sonos. RCA cables from the Main Outs next to the huge NI logo on the left of the back panel into the "in" sockets on the Sonos. Make sure you're sending the audio from Traktor to the S8 and not to the Mac speakers.

  • Jose Rodenas
    Jose Rodenas Member Posts: 11 Member

    Please note that the SONOS system will have to process the analog audio signal from your Traktor Kontrol S8 to the SONOS digital system and that this will involve a delay from what you hear through your headphones so depending on the layout of your SONOS wireless equipment and your intended purpose, the results of linking live DJ and SONOS may not be as expected.

  • DjLOOP
    DjLOOP Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    a big thank you for your valuable advice

    content that the S8 console is compatible with AirPlay so I will try to make a connection via the Mac which is my system memory for the console, on the other hand if you know a better idea how to configure it quickly or efficiently that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks all


  • DjLOOP
    DjLOOP Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Currently I see with the airplay that the speakers are available under Mac OS but via my S8 console I do not see a possible configuration to broadcast on the move 2. Is there someone who can explain how to do it.

    Thank you

  • Jose Rodenas
    Jose Rodenas Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    I don't know exactly what kind of connection you want exactly but all you need is an audio cable with RCA to RCA connection to connect from the RCA master output of the Traktor Kontrol S8 controller to the RCA line input of your Sonos Port device. Nothing else, then I understand that you will have to activate the audio input in your Sonos control application to start playing the sound through the Sonos speakers. I can not help you much more as I am not a Sonos user. Good luck and greetings

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