Expansion & Kit not highlighted

FrankieMino Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi everyone. Hope someone can help shed some light.

In Maschine 2 (software) and even when connected to the hardware (Maschine MK3) whenever I open a project and select a pattern/group tab, the drum kit that corresponds to the expansion or highlight which kit is used. When I play the project it plays the drum kit that was last saved but it doesn't highlight which kit was used.

As an example… It's like selecting a preset within the expansion… recording and saving the project data & samples related to it… Close the project… then open the project and it plays like it should but all the kits and expansions related I used are not highlighted. I select groups in the software browser and it shows me all the expansions but doesn't highlight which expansion the pattern/group tab belongs to.

If I don't name which expansion and kit I used for the given pattern/group tab I would never know which kit belongs to which expansion. It's like the preset is playing but not highlighted.

I'm not that proficient in using the entire workflow of maschine 2 SW and Hardware MK3 as I'm still learning though I understand the basics.

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers

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