Demo'd 360, cancelled sub, now native access is a mess

davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

I demo'd the 360 complete sub, basically so I could trial kontakt 8 full. I didn't install any of the other libraries. Now even though the sub date has ended, my native access is a mess when I go to my library view and shows everything in KCE 15 available to 'install'.

After years and years of buying third party products, and as a K14CE owner I have a ton of titles in my library. I often delete and download titles as I need them in a project. Perfect. But if I don't own something and they're not available to actually install, I don't want them showing in my library. This has just made my life a complete pain. How do i get native access back to just showing the libraries I own?


  • Gnome13
    Gnome13 Member Posts: 3 Member

    @davemacp I also had this same problem. I contacted customer support, and I was told that this was by design. I also asked if they could simply remove the 360-product key from my account. They had told me that it was impossible to do so, and they would pass on to their programming team my concerns.

    I was using their subscription to demo everything before possibly upgrading from standard to collector’s edition. I can tell you now at this point I am disenchanted with Native Instruments as now I have no idea what I own and what I do not. The least they could do is offer a toggle switch to hide everything in the subscription tab that I do not own. Hopefully this will get sorted out or I probably will be looking else where for my future purchases.

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

    Wow, what an absolute mess. This is the worst UX choice I've seen yet by Native Instruments. Why the hell would this be done by design? There's absolutely no upside to it (for customers). All I can imagine is that they do this so that the only way of 'rectifying' the issue is to purchase K15CE. Well, all its done is drive me further away, so well played.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod

    Alas then if there is anything that can be done then only N.I. will know. I will call the forum's N.I. Customer Care N.A. expert and then we will see if there is anything that he can do else only N.I. Native Access and Installation Support or N.I. Account Support can help (if something can be done). (Mert_NI will not be here before Monday or later).

    @Mert_NI , could you please look into this N.A. interface problem (apparently caused by having had a subscription now cancelled) ?

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks @PoorFellow

  • Mike Nef Beats
    Mike Nef Beats Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 2024

    So i dont know if this will help anyone, but i activated komplete start because i wanted the few new free plugins and it put a bunch of my paid stuff into a demo mode. I went into my products and serial codes and grabbed my kompleted 13 collectors edition serial and re activated it manually in native access and it put all the demo plugins back into full versions.

    Hopefully this well resolve the issues you guys are having. I don't know if this is the same kind of situation, but it may help some

    And them saying there is no way to remove serial codes from an account is rubbish. This is a multimillion dollar company, theres no way they dont have a way to de activate and remove serials especially because they have ways to transfer software and hardware for the second hand market.

    Whomever you spoke with probably just didnt have the access to do so. Usually at companies that are this large only certain people and teams have access to very specific things, they dont give everyone keys to free roam.

    For them to tell you that there is no possible way and that it is impossible is just terrible customer support.

    NI would be opening the doors for huge lawsuits if they permanently locked you out of using your paid and owned licenses all because you wanted to use a demo of some of their other software.

    Unfortunately, its just the kind of customer support we get from all companies in 2024, the front line is usually people that dont know what they are talking about and we have to spend way too much time on the phone or in support chats to get proper support.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,015 mod
    edited October 2024

    I went into my products and serial codes and grabbed my kompleted 13 collectors edition serial and re activated it manually in native access and it put all the demo plugins back into full versions.

    Hopefully this well resolve the issues you guys are having. I don't know if this is the same kind of situation, but it may help some

    Thank you very much for sharing , but alas I think that the OP's problem is a sort of reverse of what you describe .

    What OP is complaining about is that N.A. shows products not owned that ought to not be shown after ending the subscription.

    Ref. : Quote:

    But if I don't own something and they're not available to actually install, I don't want them showing in my library. This has just made my life a complete pain. How do i get native access back to just showing the libraries I own?

  • Mike Nef Beats
    Mike Nef Beats Member Posts: 9 Member

    Ahh i better understand now, ehhhhh that might be a little more dificult, but NI surely has a way to do this, im assuming they just dont because if they did it for 1 person they would start doing it for all….

    You would think they would just add a user feature to be able to delete at our own free will, especially if there is no paid for serial number attached to it. They should quite honestly have that in their web interface…

    So I have an idea…. create a new NI account and transfer all your good serial numbers to it, and bang you should be able to open the new account with only stuff you own. Or transfer out all the non owned serial numbers to a dummy account

  • Gnome13
    Gnome13 Member Posts: 3 Member

    @davemacp Sadly I see it that way as well. It would almost force you to have to upgrade. I currently only have K13S and with all of the subscription stuff from K15CE it makes it very difficult to reinstall my owned products (Just recently got a new SSD.) I am still hopeful that this was more of an oversite or a software bug instead of intentional.

    @Mike Nef Beats Many years ago I worked customer service for a massively large company. When ever there was something, I could not solve I had the ability to either send an escalation ticket higher or reach out to my immediate supervisor for more guidance. Since I filed a support ticket that did not require an immediate answer; I would think there would have been ample time for the customer service representative to have at least a better answer than that it is by design.

    Here are the original responses that I received from customer service. I am not attaching the name of the customer service representative as I am not one to post that information:

    “thank you for contacting Native Instruments.I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing some difficulties. We have asked our devs about this, and this behavior appears to be by design, although we understand it may not be ideal.The subscription products are still displayed on your tabs in Native Access, because they are registered to your account, however they are in fact cancelled subscription products. They should appear as such in the "Subscriptions" tab, but unfortunately you would also see them in the "Library" tab, unfortunately there is nothing we can do to change this behavior as it is intended. For the moment, I would recommend visiting the "Subscriptions" tab in Native Access, to verify which product is from a cancelled subscription, and then avoid this product in the "Library" tab.We appreciate your feedback on the issue for us to collect, to possibly come up with an in app solution within Native Access. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to remove subscription registrations from a Native Instruments account.Should you have any additional concerns you wish me to address do not hesitate bringing them to my attention, if there's anything else we can do to help just let us know.”

    “thank you for getting back to me.

    I do agree, we have raised the issue and are collecting cases, it could be designed more comprehensively, restricting subscription products to the subscription tab and leave the library tab for available products, or developing a hide feature could also indirectly resolve this issue and it is a future feature planned for NA but I believe this would require the users to apply the change to resolve the issue instead of us changing it in NA for the users.

    Happy to hear we were able to help!

    If you're ever in need of support, you know where to find us.

    Enjoy the rest of the week and do keep safe!

    N.B.: we believe this will answer your question and we therefore change the ticket status to “Solved”. Should you experience any further issues, simply respond within the next 10 days. The ticket will activate once more for us to review and get back to you.

    Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to participate in our agent support survey, which should be sent out as soon as the status of this ticket is changed to "resolved".”

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

    This is the weakest reasoning I've ever seen. The behaviour is as intended? You can understand its not ideal? There's ZERO reason for your developers to choose this pattern apart from either they have absolutely no idea what UX is, or you're hoping it'll annoy users so they have no option but to buy K15 to sidestep the issue.

    I'm slowly but surely moving away from native instruments anyway at this point and havent purchased anything for kontakt or K15 in months. This is from a lifelong customer who used to purchase into your eco system every week.

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