Does the Komplete S88 Mk2 with latest komplete kontrol 3.3 map to the new features of Kontakt 8

mrreck Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Apologies if this has been asked but i can't seem to find the answer & want to know if upgrading to Kontakt 8 & opening it in Komplete Kontrol 3.3 will map the new features to my S88 MK2?

Best Answers

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,659 mod
    Answer ✓

    It does not - it will integrate the same way it integrates with Kontakt 7

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,555 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    Not having a S Series MK3 setup here then using my S 61 MK2 then it appears to me as if "Tools" , "Chords" , "Phrases" and Leap are something that is shown in Kontakt 8 , not in Komplete Kontrol and as far as I can see then Leap does not show in Komplete Kontrol for me with my MK2 .

    However having a S Series MK2 then you can still load Conflux in Komplete Kontrol and the S Series MK2 still allow for some control of settings via the keyboard.

    Problem with "Tools" , "Chords" , "Phrases" and Leap is that it is something that is shown and loaded in Kontakt 8 and not in Komplete Kontrol and since the S-Series MK2 does not support the direct connection with Kontakt 8 then as soon as switching to using Kontakt 8 as needed then the S-Series MK2 does not respond to Kontakt 8 alone.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,555 mod
    edited October 2024

    want to know if upgrading to Kontakt 8 & opening it in Komplete Kontrol 3.3 will map the new features to my S88 MK2?

    As far as I can see then yo are asking two things , a question with respect to Kontakt 8 and a question with respect to Komplete Kontrol 3.3 .

    Without knowing exactly what 'new features' that you are referring to then as far as I know then Komplete Kontrol 3.3 works with the Kontrol S MK2 keyboards. As for Kontakt 8 then the direct connection between keyboard and Kontakt 7/8 is not supported by the Kontrol S MK2 it requires the new Kontrol S MK3 keyboard series.

    Quote Matthew_NI September 2023 :

    The Kontrol S MK3 has a new on-device rendering engine, capable of rendering metadata and graphics, well, on the device.

    This enables us to do things like the Direct Connection API, for which Kontakt 7 and Komplete Kontrol 3 are our first clients. The keyboard talks directly to the plug-in, but otherwise handles the parameter mapping and graphical representations.

    The Kontrol S MK2 does not have this capability.The logic is hard coded into Komplete Kontrol, which does all of the rendering and processing, before sending the information down the pipe to the keyboard's display. It's "dumb" in a manner of speaking. So it is not as simple as enabling it.

  • mrreck
    mrreck Member Posts: 6 Member

    Appreciate your reply @poorfellow. It's one question as Komplete Kontrol is needed to use Kontakt 8 as like you say it doesn't have a direct conneciton api that the mk3 does.

    The new features im referring to that im hoping would be integrated with the Mk2 Hardware (via loading Kontakt 8 in Komplete Kontrol 3.3) are

    1. Tools: A suite of generative MIDI tools aimed at sparking creativity and helping users come up with new musical ideas. Two new Tools are included:
      • Chords: For generating chord sequences
      • Phrases: For creating melodies Third-party developers will be able to create their own Tools for use in Kontakt 8.
    2. Leap: A new framework for working with one-shot samples and loops. It allows for simple FX tweaking on the black keys and includes twelve curated packs of loops for various genres and styles.
    3. Conflux: Not explicitly described in the provided search results, but mentioned as one of the “massive step up” features in Kontakt 8.

    & Kontakt 8’s revamped interface


  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,659 mod
    Answer ✓

    It does not - it will integrate the same way it integrates with Kontakt 7

  • mrreck
    mrreck Member Posts: 6 Member

    Ok - that saves me upgrading then - thanks for confirming

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,555 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    Not having a S Series MK3 setup here then using my S 61 MK2 then it appears to me as if "Tools" , "Chords" , "Phrases" and Leap are something that is shown in Kontakt 8 , not in Komplete Kontrol and as far as I can see then Leap does not show in Komplete Kontrol for me with my MK2 .

    However having a S Series MK2 then you can still load Conflux in Komplete Kontrol and the S Series MK2 still allow for some control of settings via the keyboard.

    Problem with "Tools" , "Chords" , "Phrases" and Leap is that it is something that is shown and loaded in Kontakt 8 and not in Komplete Kontrol and since the S-Series MK2 does not support the direct connection with Kontakt 8 then as soon as switching to using Kontakt 8 as needed then the S-Series MK2 does not respond to Kontakt 8 alone.

  • mrreck
    mrreck Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks @PoorFellow

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,555 mod


    I might be guilty of having created a misunderstanding. While that the Tools, Chords and Phrases in Kontakt 8 can not be controlled via screen and buttons (direct connection) on the S-Series Mk2 keyboard then Kontakt 8 can still receive the midi from the S-Series MK2 keyboard and as such then you can use the S Series MK2 to play the Kontakt 8 Tools after you have set it up with the mouse. There might be some limitations to that if you do not have a S-Series MK3 keyboard that I am not aware off , but the basic functionality works just fine controlled by a Midi controller such as the S-Series Mk2 .

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