Komplete Kontrol M32 OLED burn out pixels, again

ZMDQ Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I have OLED burn out pixels with Komplete Kontrol M32 about year ago. I put ticket, send it to NI and your fix it.

But now i again see "Template 1 MIDI Mode" sing over other symbols.

This time i din't upgrade firmware to 0.4.5.

I read about OLED burn in pixels problem in new NI devices when it long time static screen.

I don't use Komplete Kontrol M32 all time, but I shutdown PC when don't use it (go sleep or walk).

Can it be fixed? LCD screen or good qulity OLED? Maybe firmware with blank screen when idle like Novation Launchkey MK3?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,242 mod

    I once also had the problem, and was looking for OLED screens online, native told me that they don't use those standard ones you can buy with different chips and capabilities on it. So i also had to send it in and they fixed it. Now if i don't use it, i turn it totally off. This is not ideal - my good old keyboard backlit LCD screens was fine for 20 years!! I sold it and it even still works today. I wish native would use standard parts for stuff that is known for failing, like pots, encoders, screens etc.

  • ZMDQ
    ZMDQ Member Posts: 6 Member

    Agree! LCD displays on old devices (10-15 years old) work fine.

    Komplete Kontrol M32, Maschine Mikro MK3 and other NI devices - is great for price, but only 1-2 year OLED screens without problem... I so dissapoint.

    Where i can buy OLED display for Komplete Kontrol M32? I can find on Ebay for big models, but not for this.

  • ZMDQ
    ZMDQ Member Posts: 6 Member

    And again: Novation make blank screen on Launchkey MK3 devices, when it idle. Why NI don't do same?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,242 mod

    You can't buy them as far as I know, at least native told me, could be an issue with the char set build in, or display chips you can program yourself, you would have to program with the char set native uses, to be able to work in the keyboard. (That could be the reason) Only way i see here is you change the screen itself, the blank screen but then you should be a solder genius. But a display timeout is a great idea, and native could use any action, like just touch the knobs, to reactivate the display. I really hope native is reading this and is possible to provide a firmware update with a black screen screensaver or whatever would work

  • Tony Stubbings
    Tony Stubbings Member Posts: 21 Member

    The Maschine MK3+ is not OLED is it?? (it does not look like it!?!?)

    I leave it on 24/7!! 😯

  • ZMDQ
    ZMDQ Member Posts: 6 Member

    I not shure about Maschine MK3 Plus. But Maschine Mikro MK3 have OLED screen. I read other people have same problem with screen.

    And tech support don't answer my ticket - so sad... And I temporary "fix it" with toy car 🤣

  • Stanislav Zalevskyi
    Stanislav Zalevskyi Member Posts: 7 Member

    Same here. Couple years back I've bought a roland jv-1080 synth module from mid 90s, and display on that thing was nice and contrast since all those years! But NI's stuff... 2 Years in use and the screen on my A61 is half-dead.

  • ZMDQ
    ZMDQ Member Posts: 6 Member

    This is sad.

    My local dealer can't help me, because it two years old. So i write about it, and still use "car fix".

    PS: If somebody have NO problem like this after two years of use, please post here. I want to understand this is bad part devices or problem of all this devices.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,242 mod

    My guess is, that it happens to a few devices, otherwise the forum would be flooded with posts about that issue. But it's always annoying if it hits you.

  • Stanislav Zalevskyi
    Stanislav Zalevskyi Member Posts: 7 Member

    @Uwe303 It is happening to ALL devices. Simply because it is an OLED display. They are burning out due to the ultra bright image. The more time picture stays still, the more burning of it's protection you get. It's happening with everything OLED - smartphones, TVsets - you name it. The problem is that engineers could have implemeted (I think, they still can with the new firmware) moving of the picture 1 pixel left-right, up-down every 2-5 minutes, so we wont get that severe display burning so fast. And of course, they can implement display shutdown when not in use. If someone using this devices as a hobbyist and working with them from time to time - that's OK, but if you're using it for work every day for 14-16 hours that becomes a problem, since the display is dying so fast. As I'm typing this words my display continues to burn out. So sad...

  • Saine
    Saine Member Posts: 7 Member

    Same issue here. The 2-year warranty for my Komplete Kontrol A49 ended a few months ago and now the screen has a lot of burned pixels, similar to the images posted here.

    In my books the controller is still brand new, not a scratch on it.

    I'd like to hear from Native Instruments here, about possible fixes to this? Thank you.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,242 mod

    I had to send mine in and native fixed it. You can't buy that part as far as I know.

  • Saine
    Saine Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm still weighing my options a bit.

    I'm using the keyboard daily and threw out the original box when the warranty ended earlier this year - so sending it in would mean extra hassle. And I'm not really using the screen.

    On the other hand, I'm picky about keeping my equipment in nice shape and I hate having this thing break already, while still so new. It bothers me.

    Also. I always keep it connected while working so... There'd likely be new dead pixels in another two+ years?

    No comments from NI on this issue?

    Is this currently happening to all NI products with OLED screens?

    I guess my preferred option would be receiving a spare part from NI that could be used to do a post-warranty DIY fix - and a firmware update from NI where just the screen can be turned off when not in use.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,242 mod
    edited October 2022

    As far as I know native does not send spare parts. If it would be a wide spread issue the forum would be flooded with complains about it. Have you contacted support?

  • ZMDQ
    ZMDQ Member Posts: 6 Member

    I still use "toy car fix" and halt NIHostIntegrationAgent service on Windows. When i use Maschine or Komplete Kontrol NIHostIntegrationAgent autoloaded and i can work with all features.

    Support can't help because can't transport device to Germany.

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