Issue in Traktor Pro 4 - Issue with Audio DJ 8 and Z1

hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

Hello, I am having an issue in Traktor. My current set up is X1 MKII, Z1, and two F1's. When I set my audio device in Traktor Pro 4 as the Audio DJ 8, my Z1 no longer can be used to mix my A & B Decks… I do not understand why this issue is happening. The Z1 is a mixer and audio interface and I should be allowed to use the mixer for decks A & B. How can all Traktor products not communicate with each other? The Audio DJ 8 should give an A,B,C,D outs with no issue to the role of the Z1 mixer in the set up. Please advise as to how this can be fixed.


Best Answers

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Make sure you are in internal mixing mode after selecting the a8. By default it is set to external mixing mode with that interface.

  • hustomidd
    hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    thank you for your reply, you answered my question when you said Traktors internal mixer is turned off. I was hoping to be able to use the Traktor software mix capabilities for A & B before the signal goes to the audio interface. The way an F1 controls the volume and a filter before the signal goes out.

    In one set up I wanted these four signals going to ableton on another computer as a live effects board. The other is to have 4 separate signals going to a computer running audio reactive visuals for each signal.

    I appreciate your post and thank you for the help 👍


  • hustomidd
    hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I also cannot Midi map the mixer through the Native Controller Editor as work around. All mixer controls in Traktor are disabled when the Audio 8 Dj is selected as the audio driver

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Make sure you are in internal mixing mode after selecting the a8. By default it is set to external mixing mode with that interface.

  • hustomidd
    hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    when clicking internal under mixing mode, sound only comes out on two channels of the interface (outs 1&2). The reason for the Audio 8 is to have each deck get a dedicated channel out (deck A/out 1&2, deck b/out 3&4, deck C/out 5&6, deck d/out7&8). Internal mixing mode gives me the same as running the Z1 as the audio interface.

  • hustomidd
    hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I am confused that if you are running any audio interface, other than the Z1, you will not be able to use the Z1 as a mixer controller. As once the other interface is selected, the Z1 controls disappear/become restricted. Even if I was to upgrade to the Komplete audio 6 which has 4 outs, I might get the same issue.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Well, you must make a decision: Either you want to have dedicated outputs for each deck or you want use Z1 to control channel faders inside Traktor. The Kontrol Z1 isn't a mixer! It is only a controller with integrated audio interface. It cannot mix by itself, it just controls the mixer inside Traktor software.

    In the first case you have to mix external (outside of Traktor software) most likely with an external hardware mixer. But if you don't mix within Traktor software there are no channel strips to control inside Traktor. Therefore no Z1 is needed or even useable to do that. Think of it like Traktors internal mixer is switched off and disconnected in this mode.

    In the second case you have to mix inside Traktor software and if you do so it is like with a hardware mixer: It only outputs the mixed signal and your cue signal to headphones. In Traktor you can select another output for recording. You can use the outputs on your Audio 8DJ in that case but you can only route this signals to it and have to connect your headphones to it too.

    If the Audio 8DJ outputs the dedicated decks, where should the mix of deck A and B made with Z1 be outputted? Remember: Traktor can only work with one audio interface. What is your goal? What do you want to achieve? I don't get it from your posts. For what you want to use the signals of the dedicated decks?

  • hustomidd
    hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    thank you for your reply, you answered my question when you said Traktors internal mixer is turned off. I was hoping to be able to use the Traktor software mix capabilities for A & B before the signal goes to the audio interface. The way an F1 controls the volume and a filter before the signal goes out.

    In one set up I wanted these four signals going to ableton on another computer as a live effects board. The other is to have 4 separate signals going to a computer running audio reactive visuals for each signal.

    I appreciate your post and thank you for the help 👍

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    I think traktor before version 3.10 can still do that. But it was considered a bug and they removed it.

    You could also map the controller in ableton and control the volume there.

  • hustomidd
    hustomidd Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    would love for that to be put back in lol. Don’t see how it can hurt. The computers internal sound card could run the mixer, just like the program does when in mixer mode and no interfaces or controllers are plugged in.

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