Komplete 15 Standard: Can't find it in the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager

sylpre Member Posts: 21 Member

We purchased Komplete 15 Standard and followed the installation instructions. But the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager doesn't show the Komplete 15 Standard, whether under "My Products" nor somewhere else.

Where is our download? We paid for it and can't download it? What is that, Native Instruments?

Best Answer


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,339 mod


    you have to create a pa account and install the pa installation manager as far as i remember.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    To clarify:

    You will need to download and install Native Access in order to download and install NI's own products that are included in Komplete 15 Standard.

    All Plugin Alliance products that come with Komplete 15 Standard (i.e. bx_oberhausen and bx_crispytuner) can solely be found in the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager.

  • sylpre
    sylpre Member Posts: 21 Member

    Thank you for reply. But, as I said, the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager doesn't show it. We already have an Plugin Alliance Account since many years and of course Native Access as well. In our Plugin Alliance account there is just an invoice, but on the invoice stands "Native Instruments Komplete 14" instead of "Komplete 15". It's weird and absolutely annoying!

    If this is the way Native Instruments will sell their products it was definetly the last time we bought something at Native Instruments. We have a lot to do in the recording studio and now we have to chase after our money! And no more real support from Native Instruments!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,339 mod

    as far as i know nothing changed from 14 to 15 for the pa plugins, so you don´t loose anything afaik

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,383 mod

    This is the correct answer so not sure why you rejected it. PA installation manager installs PA products, Native Access installs Native Instruments products.

  • sylpre
    sylpre Member Posts: 21 Member

    Und warum steht dann in der Anleitung, wie wir das Upgrade installieren sollen, dass der Download und die Registrierung über Plugin Alliance läuft, über den Plugin Alliance Installations-Manager und nicht über Native Access? I would have liked to post a screenshot here if it did not contain any data such as the activation code etc. That's why I'm copying what's in the email after verifying that the payment process has been completed."Plugin Alliance Bundle for KOMPLETE STANDARD Registration Code


    Zur Aktivierung sind folgende Schritte notwendig:

    Richte auf plugin-alliance.com ein Konto ein.

    Gib auf plugin-alliance.com den Aktivierungscode ein und folge den Anweisungen.

    Lade den Installation Manager herunter und logge dich ein.

    Nun werden deine Produkte unter MY PRODUCTS angezeigt.

    Lade deine Produkte herunter. Viel Spaß!

    Beste Grüße aus Berlin

    Dein Native Instruments-Team

  • sylpre
    sylpre Member Posts: 21 Member

    Maybe. But, it doesn't show a download link under "My Products" in the PA Installation Manager. And in my PA account there is just the invoice for Komplete 15 (on the invoice stands Komplete 14) and it's not shown under "licenced products" or "licenced plugins" or what it's called.

  • sylpre
    sylpre Member Posts: 21 Member

    Sorry, now I am a little bit confused. Can you tell me how I can activate Komplete 15 Standard? I didn't get a code that I can use in the Natice Access. The other code I got I could enter in my PA account. And I thought I have to download Komplete 15 Standard there. I can't see Komplete 15 Standard in the Natice Access account. Just the plugins but where is the serial code to activate Komplete 15 Standard? I don't understand that. For some plugins you have to enter a code and for others it's automatically done. Or is it autmatically done also for Komplete 15 Standard?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,383 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    Did you buy it in the NI webshop? If so it would be registered to your account as long as you bought it with the same account, and the products that comprise it should appear in Native Access, apart from the PA ones, which is what the PA code is for.

  • sylpre
    sylpre Member Posts: 21 Member

    Yes, I bought it in the NI webshop. I thought it was the code to verify the purchase of Komplete 15 Standard. But it is a code for the PA plugins, alright. That confused me. I was sitting on Sunday in the recording studio for hours to figure it out. Native Instruments gave me a headache.

    Thank so much. You saved my last 2 hours of my Sunday :-)

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