Native Instruments Support (positive post!)

Paul B
Paul B Member Posts: 168 Advisor

Like many, I have had much frustration from the chat bot. I have had reason more than once in the last couple of months to contact NI support, and it can take a while before the chat bot opens a ticket, it will tell you it is connecting you to a support agent and then open a ticket and email you about it instead of telling you that it could not assign an agent so that you know to expect an email. Once you have a ticket open, even if the link has not been received by you, the bot will stop responding (I think it starts again when you close the open ticket, not certain of that, but I tricked it once in a different browser which led to two requests on one ticket which was odd).

I know, the title says this is a positive post. Because it is.

Once you get past the bot, which is as effective as AI generally is when dealing with anything that requires intelligence and reasoning (which is to say it rarely functions in a satisfactory manner), and have a human assigned, the experience is much different.

You may get generic trouble shooting steps at first. But try them anyway (as long as they're not like some companies, no names, sounds like a forest, sounds like a fruit, ahem, telling you to do a complete system reset on your device which is like setting fire to your house so you can rebuild because a picture is askew). If those steps don't solve your problem, they'll probably ask you to run the support tool or try to help in other ways. Point is, they will try.

Be nice to them. Support is a tough job. I've had to do it a few times in my day job and I would pay to never do it again. Particularly do not blame them for some software or system not working as it should. This is not their fault. Responses may be slow, but they're not sitting watching Youtube and scrolling Twitter (there is no such app as X) instead of responding to your request. They're helping many others and they will get to you as quickly as they can.

So I wanted to publicly say thank you.


  • innerdrum
    innerdrum Member Posts: 90 Member


    I'm having a hard time trying to get answers from support of other brands! Even users don't participate on forums like they do here. I'm also grateful for the support and users here ♥

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