Konplete Kontrol Template and Sustain Pedal MIDI Channel

George Wood
George Wood Member Posts: 14 Member

Hi guys,

I’ve been having a problem with the sustain pedal on my S61 MkII; it’s a standard Roland DP10 Piano Style pedal, and as far as I can tell the pedal is working perfectly. 

I switch between 4 saved templates when playing live, they’re all pretty similar with each transmitting on a different MIDI channel depending on which VST I’m playing. 

The note information is fine, as are any buttons or knobs I’ve programmed. The only issue I have is the sustain pedal MIDI channel is the same for all the templates, this cannot be saved along with the template setup information. 

For example, I use the pedal to trigger the Leslie Speaker effect on MIDI channel 5 on one template, but when I change to another template where the pedal should be transmitting on Channel 3, it’s still set to Ch5. 

I just need to save the CC64 MIDI channel setup information with each individual template, as things stand it seems to be set globally. Am I just missing something really obvious? I’d really appreciate any insights! 

Kind regards, 



Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @George Wood Unfortunately the MIDI channel for the sustain pedal is not included in the templates, it is set for all templates. If you wish to change the channel for sustain you need to change it manually every time.


  • FIlipe
    FIlipe Member Posts: 31 Member

    Hey George!

    I’ve run into a similar issue with the CC64 MIDI channel for the sustain pedal, and it can be a hassle when it seems to be saved globally in your setup. One thing you might want to try is checking the Komplete Kontrol settings for any options to assign MIDI channels for each template specifically. Sometimes, these settings can be hidden, so it’s worth digging into the template configurations.

    If the MIDI channel cannot be saved with the template, I found that using a MIDI mapping tool can really help. It allows you to control the MIDI output based on which template is active, which gives you more flexibility in managing your channels.

    I hope one of these ideas helps! Let me know how it goes, and if you find a solution, feel free to share it with the community—we’d all love to hear about it!

  • George Wood
    George Wood Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks Filipe,

    I couldn't see an option to save the sustain pedal assignment for each template, it's really frustrating as it seems like it should be an easy fix.

    I do have a workaround, and that is I can use aftertouch to trigger the Leslie speaker effect instead of the sustain pedal, although this isn't ideal.

    I'll let you know if I come up with a workable solution.

    Kind regards,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @George Wood Unfortunately the MIDI channel for the sustain pedal is not included in the templates, it is set for all templates. If you wish to change the channel for sustain you need to change it manually every time.

  • George Wood
    George Wood Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks Jeremy,

    Not the answer I was hoping for, but at least I can stop looking. Perhaps NI will see fit to add this to their next Komplete Kontrol update?

    Kind regards,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    @George Wood Unfortunately, this is very unlikely to happen for MK2 keyboards.

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