Sampling mode detects nothing while the sound comes out of my speakers

bat bat
bat bat Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hello, I recently bought the maschine + and I can't get the sampling to work. It must be in the settings because I already managed to get the sampling mode to work and overnight it didn't work anymore...
When I connect my phone to L1 or microphone the sound goes through maschine and the sound comes out in my speakers but the sampling doesn't detect anything... Is it in the settings or other?
No matter how much I look in the settings, I can't do it.

(sorry for my English google translate)

Thank you



  • FIlipe
    FIlipe Member Posts: 31 Member

    I’ve had a similar issue with my Maschine+, which can be tricky! If the sound is coming through the speakers but not showing in Sampling Mode, here’s what worked for me:

    1. Check the Input Source: In Sampling Mode, ensure the Input Source matches where you’ve connected your phone or mic (like L1 for Line In). It’s easy to overlook this setting.
    2. Adjust Gain & Monitoring: Sometimes, the gain must be bumped up for the input to be detected properly. Also, set the Monitor to “In” to ensure Maschine actively listens to the input.
    3. Update Firmware & Software: It might sound basic, but keeping the firmware and software updated has saved me from weird issues in the past.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if these tips work out for you.

  • bat bat
    bat bat Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thank you very much for your responsiveness! I did these 3 steps well, software up to date, sampling settings on L1 in mono, audio settings on L1, the detection mode at minimum, nothing helps! I thought maybe it was within the general parameters?but I feel like I've done everything ... or maybe I have to reinstall everything
    I sent an email to the support, if they find the problem I will tell you the solution.


  • bat bat
    bat bat Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    While waiting for an answer from the support, I found a temporary way to sample, I connected my "Focusrite" sound card to usb and in this way it detects the playback in the sample mode.

    but if anyone has the answer to the problem I'm always interested :)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    @bat bat Do you still need help on this issue? What's your operating system?

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