Tips on how to use NI

Soundmaker61 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I have found that the instruments/samples that NI provides is quite nice when I use them in conjunction with my classic KORG hardware and LP11 with MainStage. Because I have long been a fan of KARMA in the KORG instruments, using the sounds and patches in NI and then daisy chaining those sound via MIDI to another computer running LP/MainStage I have a wealth of manipulations in sound designing that make an exploration of moving sounds in the instruments an exciting adventure every time they are played. In addition to this, using the SK2 keyboard I create a light show with the lighted keys for further chord memorization and engaging performance for the on looker who is curious about what they are hearing. This also helps widen the scope of chord recognition beyond the triad basics of chord theory.

Hearing what I am able to create from the hardware and using many of the new instruments I find in K14 Standard with most of all of the 150 instruments at my disposal I rarely lack for fresh new inspiration each time I start playing. Which I usually get to design something new each day that I am able to even take 15 minutes to create. The diversity of then being able to drop them into LP11 and manipulate the MIDI notes/files from there wit the tools inside NI is an exciting task as well.

Keep learning, keep looking below the surface, keep asking 'what would happen if I did this'; because in the simple turning of a different parameter or moving a slider to another number that is drastically different than the program you are going to find that you can just about make anything possible in the world of sound that will grab you and likely smoothers who are listening to your creations.

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