Kontakt 5 as part of my Komplete bundle let Sonuscore show up in DEMO mode?

Sir Hannes
Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member
edited September 2024 in Komplete General


having Native Access open, Kontakt 5 shows up normal next to Kontakt 6+7 Player and opening Kontakt 5 in LogicPro 10.8.1 and loading up my purchased Sonuscore Origins Bundle shows a red DEMO sign, also times run out. Loading up my purchased ARK1-3 no DEMO sign neither in Kontakt 5 nor in Kontakt 7 Player.

If I press on "activate", the Native Access shows up with now follow up. If I search there for Sonuscore, they do not exist, but I remember, cause they are so old, they were never in Native Access listed. Doesn't matter before.

On their webpage they wrote what doesn't make sense to me as I have a full version of Kontakt:


There are libraries which will NOT work with the free KONTAKT Player by Native Instruments. Those libraries require the Full Version of KONTAKT which can be purchased on www.native-instruments.com/kontakt

Libraries that will NOT work with the free KONTAKT Player are always labeled with one of these badges on our website:"

** headache :D

What I am missing here with Sonuscore? They do not have any serial to put in, I bought and download the package so many years ago, I just need it now for producing :D

Thanks and best regards


Best Answer


  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    Bigger problem: All libraries you'll find on the left side in Kontakt together with a picture, do load as expected.

    The other developers/ brands, which you have to select via Files → … do all start in DEMO mode and behave, like I have the free Player.

    But in Native Access Kontakt 5 is listed. Why does this happen?


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓
  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    Hi Kaiwan,

    NI support sent me a link to a legacy Native Access installer to install Kontakt 5. It seems that this would solve the problem with the false DEMO flag. I haven't been able to try it yet due to time constraints. I was thinking of upgrading to Komplete 15 for Kontakt 8 to be up to date, but it is really hard for me to find out if Kontakt 8 and LogicPro automation are working together as expected now. I got a hint from a informed user here who said: "Kontakt 5 manual page 31. Kontakt 8 won't be any different. (The pitch bend wheel isn't a parameter, it's a controller)". But to me that means: nothing has changed.

    Why spend 99€ or 199€ when I need automation like I expect from ProTools or Logic? There aren't many YouTube tutorials, nor NI support tutorials, nor NI support FAQs about this issue I am addressing here. So I must ask before I buy. I really think that either people are not using Kontakt if they are on LogicPro and rely heavily on automation? Instead, they may only be using MIDI CC? But this would not work in my work-case. (I come from a mixing/sound design background, so MIDI CC is for me like using Atari for music: it fits not to my personality in 2024. I thought I be much more on the save side if I will be putting my money on the CLAP plug-in system to avoid this).

    Best Regards @Kaiwan_NI

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