Trouble streaming with the S4.MK3

Chris deignan
Chris deignan Member Posts: 1 Member
edited September 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

ok this is how ive had to set things up 

To use the S4/Mk3 to play vinyl the settings are at the s4 on Traktor3.

 To use one of my computers {Imacs} I go to the line in and the settings are the s4 on Traktor3. I have both computers in my line in C&D line

Now to be able to stream using one of my iMacs, I have to make an aggregate device, for this, I add Soundflower. 

So to get a signal into OBS. no signal comes directly from the S4, so  I  have to change the settings on the S4 to the Soundflower, this sends a full signal to Obs & I can hear the stream live. 

Now what happens the tracks start to slow down :{

The issue is that once I select the SF on the S4 i lose the soundcard on the S4, where I can't hear the channel until I push the fader up to the top.

 So I can't mix with it . Have you a solution to this, please 

Edit..Now what happens the tracks start to slow down :{

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