Scarbee Basses and Heavyocity Evolves dropped from K15

vad777 Member Posts: 67 Member

Looking at K15 lists I don't see and Scarbee basses or Heavyocity Evolve libraries.

Are they no longer available or what ?


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    They are "deprecated". They still work if you have them, and will install if you have K14 or earlier (assuming they were part of the one you have). But your observation is correct. No longer available for customers who are new starting with K15.

    Some of the Scarbee titles have been with us since K7.

    Heavyocity Evolve, Evolve Mutations, and Evolve Mutations 2 were already not included in K14, so yeah, they're "still gone", I guess you could say.

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