Fixed Velocity

STAY LOW Member Posts: 8 Member

I would like to see NI add a fixed velocity feature to touchpads and keys.



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,580 Expert

    FIXED VEL button: Press FIXED VEL to enable/disable the Fixed Velocity option. By default, the pads are sensitive to Velocity: The harder you hit them, the louder the Sound. With Fixed Velocity activated, your pads play at the same volume no matter how hard you hit them. For example, this can be very handy when you are triggering slices of a loop from your pads and want to have all slices at the same volume. Fixed Velocity is available in all four pad input modes: Group, Keyboard, Chords, and Step. Press SHIFT + FIXED VEL to activate/deactivate the 16 Velocities option. In this mode, your pads play the same note (pitch) of the focused Sound but with 16 different velocity values. This can be useful to play, or program complex drum fills. The right display indicates the velocity values for each pad. The Base Key defines the pitch of the played note. The 16 Velocities option is only available in Group mode, for instance, when PAD MODE is activated.

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